[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Quote above refers to our game right now.

/jettison CRichard564 due to your inability to answer the simple question.


If it’s a simple question, maybe ask it again.

Why is it scummy when I do something that you did, and yet totally fine for an upstanding town citizen such are yourself?

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
Napoleon Ami 1/9
Ami Apprentice, Leafia 2/9
Chloe Blizer 1/9
ModeShifter Chuck, Centuries 2/9
Italy CRichard564, Frankie, Chloe 3/9
Apprentice Napoleon 1/9
oB_L1ght Alice 1/9
Alice ModeShifter 1/9
CRichard564 oB_L1ght 1/9

People who /jettison are golden

Except I didn’t say you were a wolf 100%. I was wondering if your push on me is either village or wolf motivated.

TMI you know I’m town yet you upped me? :sunglasses:

I will ask you if this is sarcasm, just out of politeness.

yup yup yup

I’m getting confused here L1ght. You scum read me and now you’re saying I’m an upstanding town citizen?
If I didn’t know any better, it seems you’re as confused as I am.

So… it isn’t sarcasm?

You’re not this dumb. I swear. I hope. I… pray?

This is your quote right?

I think the word you’re looking for is confused.

There is so much sarcasm packed in this that a sardine machine would get jealous

if I post my reads and then immediatly close my eyes does that make the people who disagree with me disappear

Sadly the answer is no Centuries. If you’re referring to town reading Leafia. She seems to be a tad too eager to be on everyone’s good side, which is what she does as scum.

Oh good thing because I was just about to post my readlist which involved Town Reading Leafia

You shouldn’t be afraid of having dissenting reads on people Centuries.
It isn’t good to be a sheep, even if you’re sheeping a good player.
If I were you, I’d post your read list anyway. If only so we can advance this day’s discussion.

Re-evaluation time

Centuries - me

Napoleon - I’ve already expressed my thoughts, his RT doesn’t make any sense from scum perspective, he’s being solvy, I like him. Also his ISO is nice.

Leafia - God it feels kinda wrong putting her here but I ISO’d her 2 other games and it feels different, in her other games she gets to the action immediatly and here she’s fluffposting a lot more. I still don’t think her play is right but I don’t think it’s scum actually

Ami - There isn’t much going on in the ISO, her reads feel kinda like basic without much going on for it, I’ll wait a little bit more

Seth - Early on he has thread presence, lots of questions, he doesn’t really go anywhere. I still think most of his posts come from having town intent, the Alice & Chloe post isn’t something I see Mode doing as scum. His pre-flip of me and Leafia (which is wrong by the way) I still think it’s Townie~esque. He pointed out stuff that I also thought about, agree with Alice that the reaction to her RT is good, I like the slot

SDA - He has very few actual posts with content and like 2 of them are just flip flopping on Chloe, I don’t know what to think to be honest.

Blizer - We don’t know much about his thoughts like apart from the me/Alice/Nappy/Chloe post. Also he hasn’t posted in a while. I’d like to call the slot town but then the way he pushes Chloe is kinda weird. He and Alice together also reads weird I feel

Apprentice - Him low posting reads Town, his reads are okay, I would like thoughts on more players, Mindmeld read wise post re-evaluation, maybe my issue, not with App in particular but with low posters in general is that a lot of them seem to be really certain of their play? I don’t see much doubt or actual wild reads. All of them are really basic so I guess there’s a scum hiding somewhere in the lowposters.

OB - Slot looks more town-like recently, I still think the reads are semi wack? Evolution on Ami and Crich, also I see a lot of fluff which I don’t really like seeing your position in the thread

Frankie - I hate reading this ISO, looks much more like a slot that is trying to teach people how to play mafia than anything else. Content is fine I guess, unvote on Light is kinda eh, like are you actually scumhunting people or are you trying to make them better at mafia?

Italy - He doesn’t care, at least he promised he was going to post something so hey that’s improvement

10 - There’s no content, probably under rand town

Chuck - His reads read fairly simple, all his posts while up to date on thread is just not actual content you can analyze, over rand town

Crich - I don’t think he’s scum with TMI due to his messages surrounding the Napoleon push, I like his early thoughts, not enough actual scumhunting, he pushes people he SRs for content but I don’t see much afterwards, also he’s being fairly non commital vote wise. I don’t think it’s scum behaviour all around, I’d just like more pushing on his SRs

Chloe - Her early push is bad, I still think it was worth SR’ing her for. Afterwards it seemed more chill. She was relaxed in thread so apparently that’s a town tell. I’d love reasoning for the reads. I like pressure on Italy

Alice- God I saved this slot for last because it angers me how I sound like a contrarian for saying this but, Alice is the person who started the Napoleon wagon, first vote on there iirc, Mode wagon wasn’t that insane either. Her reads of me + Seth + Nappy really don’t seem coherent, it really sounded like Seth was the person she would logically SR the most yet he’s higher than me and Nappy. The way she is there in thread when me vs Leafia / me vs Chloe happens yet she’s keeping it quiet is also weird, also at one point I had to ask her like 3 times so she could state her opinion on me vs Leafia, it really seems like she’s avoiding conflict and letting others just do their thing without her talking about it






boom bye scum

wait why did i put leafia so high she’s supposed to be lower