[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

hey since you’re here can you give some thoughts on people

i don’t trust anyone who uses selfmeta
therefore, i don’t trust napoleon


Meow! Good morning!

I’m up and I’m raring to solve. I have my coffee and I’m in the zone!

[quote=“Apprentice, post:1359, topic:82340, full:true”]
Italy has posted slightly more than usual but can probably just die.

SDA hasn’t done anything I actively dislike in the thread so far even if he hasn’t done much productive.

Italy we agree on, like its actually Emilia (Hjasik) all over again when they rand scum, i hate it.

SDA and Ami have both contributed very little to the thread and discussion. In my eyes they look similar tbh (both have given very little in terms of reads and discussion, and both have pushed very little). SDA states he has no motivation, Ami is memeing. I do want a more in depth reason to why you think Ami`s memeing is forced.

Light i also agree with tbh, his reads and thoughts aren`t wolf motivated, but there not good either.

Seth seems different from FoL 28 in terms of tone and motivation though. as i stated, it feels erratic at times and it feels like he is lacking town motivation compared to light.

I’m going to give thoughts on my top two town reads:


Side Note: Alice

Blizer: Blizer has been pretty consistently been looking to solve. It’s the same thing that Light said in his ISO, I think he has had a very clear thought process and he seems to have a solid grasp on the game state. I liked his analysis on Napoleon, it seemed well thought-out and right now I think it is more likely to be solving than agenda.

Crichard564: He kind of sheeps consensus a lot. I suspect that he is probably a newer player, but this slot is one that I feel comfortable calling town because he’s been very consistent! CRichard564 has been constantly giving small thoughts on the game state and some of them are very observant and show a level of attention paid to the thread that I don’t think a mafia would usually have. I think this style of posting is much more likely to come from a townie mindset, and I think he is just posting what’s on his mind!

*Alice: Originally this was going to be a 3 person wall but I looked at Alice’s ISO and I noticed a few concerning things! She talked about how hyperposting can negate any valid mafia reads, but she herself has been creating posts at an alarming rate! I have agreed with a few things she has posted, but there’s nothing that’s not fakeable here! Most of what she has been doing is pushing seth, and while I myself might have to take a better look at seth, I think she is much too fixated on him and i’m not sure if it is a good look.

@Alice why have you decided to post so much? You yourself said it makes it much harder to correctly read someone!

Just got caught up and here’s my thoughts on everyone

Alice: It looks to me like she’s applying pressure where it counts and legitimately trying to solve the game like she was in Insurgency and I honestly like her tone. Admittedly, she felt almost this same way in CM2, where she was the NK role, so this slot being wolf isn’t impossible, but for the time being, I’m townreading her. My greatest fear though is that she’s puppeting me again like in CM2.

ModeShifter: He doesn’t feel anything like Insurgency and for that I was townreading him, but his tone has worsened considerably with his last interaction with Alice so he’s slipped to a nullread for me. I’d like to see more solving from his slot.

SirDerpsAlot: He’s just here this game. I can’t recall a single post from him off the top of my head since nothing has really stuck out to me, so I’d say a scumlean.

Chloe: She’s a lot more relaxed than she was in Insurgency and for that, she’s my second highest townread because I think she’d seem a bit more stressed as scum. I’m open to reevaluating her if new info comes to light though.

Blizer: I remember townreading him at the beginning but can’t remember why as his pressance has been a bit lacking, so I’m putting him as a nullread right now.

Apprentice: Along with Derps and Blizer, he’s just been here, but it seems he’s at least putting a bit more effort into solving and stuff, so he’s a slight townlean for me. I definitely want to see more from him though.

oB_L1ght: Hmmmm, not sure what to think about him. Sure he scumreads me, but it doesn’t exactly feel like it comes from agenda. He might actually believe that I’m a wolf which is at least somewhat understandable, as he’s acted villagery otherwise. I’m putting him at a slight townlean. This is one slot that I’ll be keeping my eye on though to see how it develops.

Leafia: Hmmmm, this slot truly is an enigma. I’ve been quite a bit different from the last two scumgames that I was in, although I can honestly see why some people might think I’m scum, since I have been a bit sheepish admittedly, so I don’t blame anyone for scumreading me. My highest townread.

Frankie: My third highest townread at the moment as he’s both trying to solve the game and helping to motivate people to do better. It’s possible that he could be that way as scum though, but for the time being, I don’t think so.

Ami: She’s just been in and out. A slight scumlean for me that I’d like some pressure applied to so that I can make a better read.

Centuries: This is my highest scumread at the moment. How he defended Mode when people were just trying to apply pressure to him and not lynch him was atrocious. Then as soon as I scumread him for it, he started attacking my slot and throwing shade on me for no reason whatsoever. He has started looking a bit better at least over time, so the possibility exists that he’s V, but I have my doubts.

Italy: He’s kind of just here and I can’t remember much content from him. I wanted to apply pressure to him so that he’d be more active and provide content for us to analyze, but that didn’t really get anywhere. Slight scumlean currently.

CRichard564: Hmmmmmmmm…this slot is the one I’m most unsure about. His scumread on me doesn’t feel wolfish, but at the same time, it doesn’t quite feel real, nor do his other reads quite feel real to me. This is one slot I’ll need to think about but for now, a nullread.

Chuck: He’s at least a bit active but hasn’t done much in the way of reading. Honestly, he’s the most likely candidate to be the LW I think. He just doesn’t feel very townie to me at the moment. I’m scumreading him.

Napoleon: Nappy feels a lot better than he did in CM2, but I do see hints of how he was acting in it in how he’s acting here, but not enough to scumread him for it. If he’s scum, he has really improved his scumgame. He’s a town lean for me.

10_posts_daily: This guy is the most inactive one in the game then he comes in and acts all macholike? I honestly hate his tone right now and he’s a scumread for me at the moment.

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Italy has still been very disappointing. He made this post a whole ago and has been on, so i’m patiently waiting for your thoughts. Otherwise, my vote (or should I say jettison :joy_cat:) is on italy.

/jettison italy

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
Napoleon Ami 1/9
Ami Apprentice, Leafia 2/9
Chloe Blizer, 10_posts_daily 2/9
ModeShifter Chuck, Centuries 2/9
Italy CRichard564, Frankie, Chloe 3/9
Apprentice Napoleon 1/9
Alice Modeshifter 1/9
oB_L1ght Alice 1/9
CRichard564 oB_L1ght 1/9

imagine this but with gold names


edited in Blizer’s unvote

my vote is not on chloe

Because I overall townread you as you look uninformed and I think it’s just dumb to push on a player just because they have a chance of flipping one of the four wolves in the game.

If I yeet the PoE and the superpower is there then you’re mostly cleared of that tinfoil.

Because Seth barely posted. I’m obviously going to push on the players who are posting rather than the ones that are not.

I took a wait-and-see approach towards you/Leafia. From the looks of it it just seems like a dumb TvT that shouldn’t continue.

I have been hardpushing like everyone this game. How the hell am I avoiding conflict?

Except that light isn’t pushing on you.

He literally hasn’t pushed anyone this match and only voted you after you asked him why he hasn’t voted you yet.

To put it short,

CRichard/Ami for tone.

App for enthusiasm, but since it’s been dropping then he’s just a lean for now.

Leafia looks less trying to appeal to people and more following her own reads.

Italy for staying in the thread after Chloe asked him to be. It’s been dropping because he’s been not playing this entire day.

Chloe’s tone doesn’t seem as bad as in Insurgency and she’s actually interacting with people unlike in FoL27.

Frankie for his reaction.

You because I felt your pushes were in bad faith.

Centuries because he was playing in a very defensive manner.

Modeshifter for not having any SRs and playing in an extremely safe manner.

His read on CRich.

CRich - Admittedly, CRich normally runs around like his head’s been chopped off. Here, it feels like he’s trying to push things forward, like the whole RT thing has stayed in the thread for far too long. It seems like he’s trying to participate without really doing anything, and not really solidifying his stance on anyone.

Does this actually feel like a real take on CRich?

What’s your read on Light?

…because it progresses the game-state?

210ish posts/day isn’t that much, especially since there’s a lot of content there.

It’s not like Katze or Marshal clogging up the thread with 500+ shitposts a/day.

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Im actually looking at his readlist again tbh

i wanna see if he explained something or not, and i will get into it if i can find it or not.

It’s pretty obvious his reads were faked.

Im doing a re eval of his reads again

cause i have a bit of a tinfoil here tbh.