[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Shut the fuck up and start playing the damn game.

Just for that I’m leaving till after work tonight

I’d request more votes on light.

His ISO vs. the fact that his wagon has literally zero traction should be a sign that this flips W.

/jettision light
im here for it

Entrance is blegh tbh

dislike it.

first reads.

already scum reads ami (even though i see it as NAI for her), reads Chloe as town, and idk if it is /s or not, but him stating Italy having more posts than hours is a stupid take tbh.

feels like shade on Ami tbh here with his gut read. Chloe read is solid i will give.

This post is solid tbh after voting ami. App aint looking that bad.

Vote on Nappy and response to Nappys rt. Again, its solid, but not overtly towny imo.

response to Nappy`s reason for townleaning Frankie.

i do understand that this was much earlier in the day, and his tone hasnt been bad so far.

This now is a bad take tbh, and pings me a bit.

like that should never be a reason to scumread someone. I dislike it.

This doesnt feel natural to me tbh. feels slightly forced here.

I feel like his indecisiveness on Nappy`s rt is kinda of a bad look. Again, it was a bad RT, we agree on that, but to me, W!Nappy would never do something that stupid, with a high chance of backfiring on him tbh. I dislike it.

He was scumbuddies twice with her.

He should know how to read Leafia tbh

i dislike this post aswell.

These posts are bad tbh, feels forced.

App`s reads. Dis like the Null stance with Nappy tbh. After Re-Evaluating Light, this read is bad, shit does feel forced from him. I understand his hesitance with Alice, but with his stance on Nappy earlier, this read with regards to the derp clear is not good.

Ami wagon is bad tbh, shes pretty null, and him having Ami, who imo is LHF be a scumread for being memey, even though SDA also has not provided much, is sus to me.

Again, this is NAI with Ami, she memes all the time d1. I dont seriously think you can get a scum read on her atm. it also feels forced to me.

[quote=“Apprentice, post:1359, topic:82340, full:true”]
Italy has posted slightly more than usual but can probably just die.

SDA hasn’t done anything I actively dislike in the thread so far even if he hasn’t done much productive.

His response to my question.

Italy is fair tbh, but the SDA pings me a bit.

Literally SDA and Ami have had the same amount of thread presence and have done very little in regards to discussion, but he scumreads one and not the other? I dont like this response.

Seth does not feel like he was town compared to FoL 28. Lackluster in terms of reads imo and pushing discussion.
Re-Evaluating light, this take isnt the best. Light`s reads actually look forced af, and some of them are pretty stupid.

Overall, App was fine at the start, but has deteriorated throughout the day.

The Ami push is actually bad, and she should not be lynched today

Ami can be read more next day, when she stops meming.

also yeah

/jettison Light

im on board for this one.

Sup’ nerds.


3 posts, so 3 questions.
Chose wisely.

/vote Alice

So my Tinfoil

I think App and Light are W/W here

their reads on each other are stupid, and while app has given a decent explanation for his read on Light, looking back at Light, this read looks bad. And Light just posted he has App for a gutread and nothing more.

I also think that the “Mysterious thing” that was irritating Light, was probs Italy tbh with how he just does nothing in thread at all.

Also, them both scumreading Ami with is stupid when SDA has literally done the same amount of shit as Ami has in regards to discussion, yet Light heavily townreads him, and App thinks this is fine.

I dislike their reads in general atm, and it feels like they are also avoiding interaction tbh.

They have not really talked to each other at all, and i want to see them interact with each other.

Like, come the fuck on. This is blatant fake townslip. There’s absolutely zero way that anyone believes that there are 5 wolves in a 16p.

Again, first one’s a terrible meta-read that has no bearing with my game. He doesn’t analyze my posts, does not give evidence, just points out tone and refers mostly to my other game in CFM2. Wolves often do this and just comment on peoples’ other games in order to look rather than to gamesolve.

Frankie’s performative as hell. His reaction was actually fairly good there.

Ami’s read is just a preflip and has no basis whatsoever, plus it’s horribly generic.

CRich is obviously fake as he’s doing what CRich usually does.

Additionally he doesn’t bother pushing anyone of us.

This is obviously light TMI’ing Derps as nobody would seriously consider him as their top TR, and again there’s no clear explanation of why it’s meta.

This shit’s a textbook case of a wolf who thinks they got caught for the wrong reasons.

This is literally him TMI’ing me as town. Were I a wolf I’d already knew that he’d be flipping V, the threat here is purely empty.

Again, contradicting himself before. He’s been consistently claiming he SRs me but then he gives me this response.

His readlists have had zero progression throughout the entire game. It’s still me/Ami/Leafia/Crich/Frankie as wolves and the town is the same.

And finally he’s only voted CRich only after CRich called him out for not voting.

The TRs that light has been receiving here are bullshit. This is literally a textbook case of fakesolving.

Care to explain your read on me?

Looking back at his CRich read, considering they were both town in CFM2

its actually pretty hot garbage.

Ouchies, that hurts my feelings.

There is no read.

You are being toxic, shouting on other people to “shut the fuck up” and being passive agressive.

I dont care who you are, as Im not from this site, but if you want to be toxic, I dont really want you in the game.

Call it a policy vote.

Jettison Count

Accused Voters Votes
Ami Apprentice, Leafia 2/9
ModeShifter Chuck, Centuries 2/9
Italy CRichard564, Frankie, Chloe 3/9
Apprentice Napoleon 1/9
Alice Modeshifter, SirDerpsAlot, 10_posts_daily 3/9
oB_L1ght Alice, Ami, Blizer 3/9
CRichard564 oB_L1ght 1/9

imagine this but with some gold names

ping me for mistakes

Consider yourself added to the PoE.

all i remember is light’s absolutely horrendous read on derps
but it definitely makes me want them dead

Can you explain how you progress from here to here in like 10 posts?

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Well… that’s awkward, isn’t it?

i know exactly who they are but we aren’t allowed to speculate on alts reeeee

Is this the part where I self-vote and AtEv