[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Kill me. Please.

Just a reminder that Italy was supposed to be in my scumreads.
Just a reminder that Italy, Ami, and Alice all voted me after I scumread them.
Just a reminder that Alice is going to go “Well, it was his fault, he gamethrew.” No, you pushed me to the point of giving up. Don’t let her just walk all over the game, it’s disgraceful.
Just a reminder that I’m not a strong player. My reads most likely aren’t accurate. I am confident that I have at least 2 scum in there, though.
Just a reminder that the game shouldn’t be aimed around making players give up because they are no longer having fun with it. Honestly, Alice, there are people who are unwilling to vote you because they know you’ll scream at them in deadchat. That’s fucking disgusting.

…or maybe because they TR me and SR you?

Stop taking the game personally.

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Little late for that.

Whatever. Vote me or I’ll slank. Either way, I’m done with this game.

It’s day one sit down

Sigh, this isn’t FoL.

D1s are important in FM as they are less mech-solvable and there are lynches which give the most info during this time.

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God forbid someone have a life

It’s literally a 48h day.

i have literally been busy with a full time job and moving house and still am at least in the midposter range


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I have the same amount of posts as you



my point still stands

Ami’s at least making themselves readable.

A fair chunk of your posts have just been either complaining about having to post or naked reads.

Anyways I’m going to work now

So with Italy actually playing and with W!Ob spewing Derps V, I’m pretty much here with an immediate PoE for remaining groupscum:


Seth basically depends if he continues playing or not.

CRich/Ami/Napoleon/Alice is basically the center of the towncore.

I think Italy’s probably V here being that he’s actually playing the game now.

Leafia/Centuries are probably just town.

App/Blizer are basically the oddest ones and the player I’ll need to re-read.

I think Derps is pretty much spewed V as wolves don’t TR a lowposting wolfbuddy with meta as an excuse, that just feels ridicolously TMI-ish

Chloe I think is just fine.

So, theoretically, how would this change if I flipped V?

I don’t care if you don’t think it’s illogical, or it could never happen. What are your thoughts without a preflip?

Probably wouldn’t change much except Derps won’t be as spewed V.

I’d be less certain on Ami as well.

Flipping superpower would probably not spew Derps but I’d probably townlock a fair chunk of your wagon over that.

But, I thought that all of these reads were because I was a wolf? So… how could none of them change?

Catching up from post ~1261
Feeling sick so bear with me

Feel free to only reply to shit that concerns you, since theres a lot.

Catch up

I find it interesting that a large majority of your reasoning for scumreading CRich is because he says “a whole lot of nothing” but I’ve seen some of that in this wall from you. Slightly hypocritical.
Also, it seems as if you’re cherrypicking him. You state at one point that hes “not contributing anything of his own” but funnily enough I think I’ve seen more thoughtful posts from CRich in this game than any past game? He seems to have found a comfortable spot, where every posts he makes is speaking his mind, and hes also providing his own analysis. Sure, sometimes it requires a little prodding to get more from him than “i SR this person because of their ISO” - but everything from him has felt genuine and pure.

This is good as well. If CRich were a wolf, he’d probably OMGUS you to death. He’s thinking about the possibility of you being a villager. I try not to use meta, but in CRich’s first scumgame, he crumbled under slight pressure, and I don’t see that happening here. Holding his ground is a good look.

Re-evaluation from Centuries is nice - even though I may not agree with everything. I do, however, agree with this read on Leafia. Shes providing more of her own reads than I’ve ever seen - which is unlike her previous scumgames where she would sheep whoever was nearest. We have different reasons for townreading this slot however - but we are both using meta. I would love some examples of where she “gets to the action immediately” in previous games, in contrast to here, however. (Also keep in mind that she has no completed towngames on this site, so we should probably do more than metaread this slot. I’ll give it another look soon. It isnt the jettison today though)

Can you show me some of the “stuff that you also thought about?” Saying this, but providing no quotes, is a little meh

Frankly (hehe) I agree. I know this person isn’t trying to be condescending, but when a majority of their ISO is coaching people into getting better - I can’t help but wonder if its an attempt to pocket players who might not be as confident in their skills, or if its just… their personality. Either way, I don’t think its working lmao - people don’t like being told what to do, especially not from someone who seems… overly agreeable.

Glad we found some common ground.

I disagree a little bit here. I don’t think Alice is avoiding conflict, I think shes observing - and, especially when questions are being asked back and forth, you don’t want to butt in and answer for someone.

This bugs the hell out of me. Away for a majority of the game and comes in with a holier-than-thou attitude. This isn’t how you get people to like your slot. People will be more inclined to scumread you if you’re a butt - and the fact that in… 4 posts? of 10? You havent managed to provide like any analysis (minus this one post on Centuries)? That’s kinda fucked. I was expecting 10 glorious wallposts of gamesolving, and I’m hella unimpressed. Step it up.

I don’t plan on sheeping anyone. I just wanted to take a look at the reasons why Apprentice was voting Ami, and I have. I don’t think this push is in bad faith. Its a dumb angle to take from a wolf - as they are literally the only person putting pressure on the slot, and they haven’t backed down - its a solid stance, not hedge (even though I don’t agree with it). I’m mostly tone/gutreading Apprentice (and it doesnt help that I genuinely enjoy them as a person) - but perhaps you’re right and hes too high in my reads. I don’t want to “clear” someone based on gut, so hes moved down to a townlean.

I’d love your reasoning for why this is a bad faith push from your pov. Is it just tone? I may have missed this if you already said it. So quote it for me if so, please.

This is an okay look by Italy. Hes provided some insight into his reads, but like, thats still… nothing. Give me more - I’m still comfortable keeping my vote here. Talk about people other than Napoleon.

Hate to break it to you, but this isn’t even hyperposting for our site. However, it is slightly hypocritical that Alice is topposter. (And its hypocritical of me for being a highposter as well, don’t get me wrong) - but we’ve both provided ample content and she seems to be solving.

Also I would love to hear about your nulls/SRs when you get the chance.

Its kinda sad that this is a really good look for Leafia. She’s providing her own reads - which is… rare? And they seem to add up, nothing seems forced. I don’t think she has TMI - because nothing here shows it, and she tends to slip slightly when gscum.

I like this answer. Part of me was tinfoiling that you are the superpower who was trying to signal to me by pointing out that I could have been signaling. It’s round-robin and weird, but I think I’m going to shelf it - I don’t want my read on you to be based on speculation like that.

jesus christ really
play the game dude. its a social deduction game, not a im going to do nothing, then claim game. I was hoping to give you another chance to change my mind about your slot but I don’t feel like anything you’ve done since I’ve voted you has been pro-town. At this point you’re either scum, or town who refuses to contribute to the game. I do like that you’re actually here though - so keep it coming.

I’m intrigued. Still keeping my vote here unless he improves a lot.

This seems genuine? However, I find it slightly hypocritical. 90% of oB’s ISO is passive-aggressive behavior, and repetition. He has, however, participated. (I really hope this whole AtE act is sarcastic, because it isnt helping. Its explicitly anti-town)

Fuck wallposts. I’m tired.
I don’t expect everyone to read this, I just wanna show my thought process, if I happen to die or some shit, come back to all my walls.

Because Italy has a clear-cut meta.

Does he care about the game? Probs town.

Is he doing nothing? Lock wolf.

Rest of them are pretty independent.

Chuck’s been horribly underwhelming this match.

I have some concerns regarding App/Blizer.

10posts focusing on decorum and ignoring reads in a situation like this is a horrible look.

Light has been steadiy dropping for me. I liked his Blizer ISO but what he’s doing right now is the opposite of what anybody town-aligned should ever want to do!

I do not want to hammer but that slot has been looking worse and worse for me.

Alice is also dropping a lot, even if what she’s saying isn’t all fluffy posts, she could stll condense the posts and right now it seems like she’s really wanting thread control, and it looks like she has it.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have 10 posts daily. And honestly, even if that slot is a little mean, I think you guys should listen to them more! “Policy vote” is a little far, but honestly they bring up good points about alice’s behaviour (and I think it relates kind of to being aggressive to the point that people feel uncomfortable disagreeing with alice).

I don’t think that slot has had good behavior either, and I do not like minposters, but I do think alice has been a little bit overagressive and mean. I feel like she’s pushing more than solving and while she absolutely can be town it gives me a bad feeling.