[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

You guys should make it L-0.

And honestly, be proud of yourselves. I can’t remember the last time I hated playing anything this much.

that won’t stop me from killing people for using it

/vote 10_posts_daily

Your wallpost better be good or I will have you executed.

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I want to talk about Blizer and Chloe - I feel like these people I haven’t looked so much at throughout the game.

I’ve just finished getting caught up and I have a spicy read for everyone. I know it isn’t the consensus and that he was scumreading me earlier, but I think Light is town here and so is Alice. Here’s my reasoning:

Light just feels like a villager that has just given up here with how much he’s been scumread just for having the reads he has, and I don’t really see anything scummy with having static reads since town can do so too if they remain confident in their reads. I’d be more comfortable jettisoning someone who isn’t even trying to play the game than someone who is actually making reads. So I’m parking my vote on who I think is most harmful to the town regardless of their alignment.

/jettison 10 posta daily

Actually play the game that you signed up to play. Regardless of your alignment.

Could Light still be scum? Yes. It’s a possibility. Could Alice be scum? It’s also possible. Could a w!Alice be trying to bus a w!Light to gain towncred? This is the least likely scenario, but still not impossible, because the argument between the two of them feels real, and not staged or faked.

It’s not the static reads that my main problem is with, it’s that he hasn’t really done anything with them. He didn’t vote Alice up. Also the inconsistencies and his reactions are awkward in a way where it looks like he doesn’t really believe in his reads.

You ask me to waste my 10th post for that?

Apparently reading 9 posts is too hard for you.
Or maybe 6 serious reads is not enough for you for day 1?
Or maybe it’s just OMGUS?

Sure, let me lay it out for you.

Chloe, Napoleon, Apprentice - all had mild and boring day openings, which ended up going in totally different directions.

Napoleons was most… mild and chewy. And mostly staied this way for the rest of the day.
You were on plain downhill, enough to poison you at least.
Only Apprentice, despite starting unimpressive, managed to climb up and look like they want to forward the game.

Then I posted reads about Crichard/Centuries, where Centuries was actually trying despite taking very reachy conclusions. I accept theirs explanation that it was late, but it’s something to watch out for.
Better to say real opinion than just take a forced stand to look good.

CRichard just doesn’t try and demotivates town with it. No idea if it’s normal or not for them, but now that I think about it, Alice mught be right that people have hjndreds of posts without playing.

Then we have Alice who prefers to make enemies and do ad hominem attacks without standing when someone does it to them.
Probably would be a very easy read if someone managed to tilt them hard enough, but I don’t have more posts. Someone else should do it.

All those was in my previous 9 posts.
If you’ve read them, you would know it.

But apparently for you making 200 posts of your own is more importamt than reading to find scum.

Please do NOT heal Chloe.

/vote CRichard

My issue is that we’re in the last fourth of the game day and light’s reads remain exactly how they were roughly a hundred posts in. I don’t think anyone can get confident reads this early to the point that they remain static for so long.

Then don’t limit yourself to 10 posts.

10 posts/game day is literally considered to be the bear minimum for most FM sites and you spent a fair amount of them talking about my rudeness without making any judgments about my alignment.

How was me telling Derps to shut it an ad hominem attack? The point is that I’m fed up with his playstyle that makes him extremely hard to read and impossible to play with.

The entire point of FM is discussion as it’s a social game. Having a player just make gut reads and naked votes is completely antithetical to the nature of the game.

They have changed, but not between town and scum, just in severity.

Which posts made you feel this way?

Which posts made you feel this way?

I don’t really care about what you think about Alice’s character, but what you think about alignment.

What’s your point behind this vote?

Sure, here is my post number 11:


Also @10_posts_daily I’m vigging your slot tonight so if you are town you better convince me that you are.

And you’ve done nothing regarding CRich/Leafia/Me/Ami/Frankie.

We’re still your wolfreads. You’re not pushing us to further solve or lynch us. Why?

While understandable, it’s not really AI to have your reads be like that. That’s what I’m thinking anyway, and can you seriously say that his tone of defeat comes from a wolf? I think a wolf would fight to the bitter end here.

Eh reading through Blizer’s ISO of me and Light I don’t think the push is in bad faith? Like I think it’s dumb that he’s trying to discredit my push on Ami by saying SDA is doing the same thing, when my entire read is not based on low content, but rather low content that I actively dislike. But his progression makes sense on me/Light from both ISOs.

have we had a recent VC?

We said this about Cheese in ToS2, he was a wolf.
We said this about Seth in Insurgency, he was a wolf.

Wolves give up more often than villagers as they want to minimize their spew.

Hmmm, that actually kind of makes sense since it limits the damage. I’ll have to reread his slot.