[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Okay so just got caught up.

Not too convinced that L1ght is town here, I still feel like their progression is a bit weird and their reads don’t make a lot of sense. Checked and I don’t think there are any framing mechanics so this is a slot that I think should be checked tonight by investigatives if we aren’t going through the jettison.

This interaction makes me feel better about Alice tbh, despite what L1ght’s alignment is. I don’t think it’s W/W, I’m pretty sure Alice would have just dunked on him and I don’t think L1ght responds to the push in the way he does if he just wants to get bussed. Alice taking the time to reconsider and collect more from L1ght despite his slot being in a bad position is a good look on her overall, her wolf meta is generally just powerwolfing and taking down very weak slots like L1ght in a scenario where Alice is the wolf and L1ght is the villager. I just think W!Alice would have dropped it and just allow L1ght to die.

/vote Apprentice

Apprentice’s place in the thread is weird and I still don’t like this slot. They are making pushes because I called them out on it, and overall they just don’t feel that invested in the game.

Im also adding 10_daily_posts to the invest check list. Their slot is just a big WTF

They also have 11 posts :eyes:

They’re probably just trolling

It’s a possibility.

Trolls are impossible to read because they do this shit as both alignments

Yeah, that’s true.

it’s actually dybu dabu returning to destroy us

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IIRC, they claimed the bleed on Chloe as they SR her.

Looks to be more >rand V as wolves would just bleed someone that’s a consensus villager.

Holy crap this is underwhelming. I didn’t realize asking you to provide reads and solve the game was a waste of a post. Its not too much to ask for IMO. You’ve done barely anything, and you’re limiting yourself to 10 posts, so you likely wont even respond to what I have to say. Frustrating and frankly, anti-town. You might be against hyperposting, but lowposting with crap for content doesnt help town either, bubba.

It isnt OMGUS. I’m not intimidated by you in the slightest lmao. If you think I’m OMGUSing you, then everyone else who voted and asked you to do things must be as well.

Can you provide some quotes for these reads? Saying I was on a plain downhill doesn’t mean anything if you can’t back it up. And your “enough to poison you at least” leads me to believe you bled me? Thanks man
If this is true I’m more inclined to think you’re town. But you probably won’t ever respond to this - so guess we’ll never know eh?

I’m assuming this is your reason for voting CRich? For someone who thinks I’m not reading to find scum (in the post below) you have horrible reasons to vote. First you vote me with no reasoning other than “Chloe rare. Everyone knows bloody steaks are best for lunch,” then you vote Alice for being toxic, shouting at others, and being passive aggressive. Basically a policy lynch. I find this hypocritical as you have provided less content than Alice, while simultaneously being extremely difficult and annoying to speak with. The amount of people not caring to play and solve this game is irking the living hell out of me - and you’re contributing to that.

If you’re town, you aren’t doing your part and its frustrating everyone who has to interact with you. It’s almost as if you’re a good policy lynch if so! Oh how the turn tables

We’re back to sheepy behavior. Going to keep this in mind. She said she read back through what he posted but provided no analysis on it, just said that she agreed with Alice. Not a fantastic look, but doesnt really change her standing for me.

Nvm we’re back to having our own reads. God the flip flops in playstyle make my brain hurt.

If you heavily TR Derps, can you at least point to what he has said that makes you feel this way? If you’re going to compare to past games, at least point out similarities or differences with evidence rather than “an overarching feeling.”

I dont know if I agree on this take if im being honest. I don’t want to jettison Frankie today, but I haven’t particularly seen anything I like from him? I did like his post about his top 2 townreads - as that read as genuine. I don’t think his reaction to the Nappy “RT” was AI at all, I dislike the weird coaching attitude - though that doesn’t make him scum. I just get weird vibes, but I can’t necessarily say I scumread this slot. chloe hedgehedgehegde

damnit centuries, post more so im not top 3

Just realized i forgot the quote from 10_posts after i said “in the post below”

Here it is:

Wtf how do I have so many posts I was gone for the first 18 hours???

I don’t remember him claiming anything as such:

Looking through his ISO, I suppose the “Please DO NOT HEAL CHLOE” is a bleed soft but they’ve been playing very strangely from the get-go that I don’t know what he’s fucking doing

I’m not making pushes because you called me out, I’m making pushes because I didn’t like the current wagons and wanted to push someone I actively scumread. Are you voting me for pushing my scumreads? And if not why are you voting me?

Because you’re scum lmao

Are you going to make an actual argument for this?


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Best argument ever.
