[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Apprentice, my read on you is primarily a macroread. As I’ve reiterated multiple times, it feels like you are on the sidelines, analyzing things, but you don’t feel involved. This is what you did in CFM2 as well, you sort of just provided analysis to make it look like you were doing something but you really didn’t seem to care too much about what was happening.

Your intro was okay, didn’t have any problems with it.

This post is kinda meh - I expected more - considering you were very familiar with W!Leafia but I’m letting this go.

This post sounds a lot like “Hey look I’m willing to do analysis!”.

This is when you actually start doing something rather than coasting with sideline analysis. This was after I called you out on it as well. Here is the post:

I also pinged you for this in particular and asked you later about the Ami wagon, to which, this was your response:

See the issue is that you’ve voted Ami, put shade on her, but you introduce a new wagon and really haven’t announced your reasoning for your dissatisfaction of the other wagons, except for this:

I’ll sum it up. I took all these posts to show how you’ve been doing analysis, but your pursuit was lacklustre. Here, you’re doing a lot of sideline analysis but haven’t been doing much with it until the Ami push. It doesn’t feel like you’re doing your Ami push wholeheartedly - it feels that it doesn’t seem to matter too much to you whether your wagon gets traction or not. You haven’t tried convincing people why the Ami wagon is much better than the other wagons rather than just shade Ami for not doing much, despite you admitting that it could be in her meta.

This is what you did in CFM4. Take some towncred, then offer sideline analysis to make it look like you’re doing something.

Also, FTR, I wouldn’t have assumed that if you said that me calling you out did prompt your Ami push, that it meant it was wolfy.

So Apprentice, are you invested in this game? Because it doesn’t feel like you are.

Issue with Blizer is that he never commits to a read and doesnt do much apart from analysis so I struggle to believe his reads can be this consistant

I think his attitude towards me derpclearing Ami is villagery.

It feels more like a villager who’s annoyed at another villager for misclearing a wolf.

I didn’t feel like there was a level of consistency towards his reads in CFM2 where he didn’t really care who got lynched at all.

@Chuck I’d like to hear more from you before EoD

I remember you having a pretty strong stance on seth, and im curious if that has changed over the day.

You’ve got a few hours left.

I’m feeling like shit so gunna be slightly absent :upside_down_face:
reading along tho

App isn’t in towncore. In CM2, it was mostly after the towncore that he became even more non-caring about what was happening because he believed his towncred would last a while.

I can see the annoyance for the derpclear, but I still think something feels off with App pushing on Ami - it doesn’t feel complete. Annoyance isn’t unfakeable too and even from wolves it can be genuine.

Leafia’s handling of Me/Light is… unsettling, really.

She’s been less agreeable this match than what I previously saw of her, but how she keeps all possibilities open and looks hesitant to commit to a world feels a bit unnerving.

I don’t think he’s in a spot where he’d worry about ML options if he’s a wolf.


Weird question, but:

@Leafia What did you learn from your last wolf game?

I want to see how he approaches the jettisons today - his only thoughts towards jettisons were “Don’t really like the L1ght wagon” and “Ami isn’t getting out of PoE”.

I’m going to do these things in chunks, so I can discuss these reads with everybody and have a little break.

Here is my top 4 Town Reads!

Town Reads:



I’ve seen this player’s class card. Definitely a town member :joy_cat:.



Not much has changed, posting wise, from my original point on him. Copy and Paste it is!

He kind of sheeps consensus a lot. I suspect that he is probably a newer player, but this slot is one that I feel comfortable calling town because he’s been very consistent! CRichard564 has been constantly giving small thoughts on the game state and some of them are very observant and show a level of attention paid to the thread that I don’t think a mafia would usually have. I think this style of posting is much more likely to come from a townie mindset, and I think he is just posting what’s on his mind! This posting style feels like it flows, and is natural.



Napoleon was not looking good during that reaction test of his, and I had a hard time believing it was real, but his posting has significantly improved! He’s been putting forward a pretty genuine attempt to solve it seems, and there are a few things I think he has going for him. I think his reaction test conclusion was forced, town reading me for my reaction (which as far as I’m concerned is not Alignment Indicative), and I think that’s actually pretty townie. He has been consistently defending his reaction test and the results and I think that this is much more likely to come from a town who genuinely thinks they found a correct read off of the reaction test and is defensive of people disagreeing. I also think that his anger with alice’s disbelief of his reactiontest.

Looking at the bolded part, I think it’s pretty clear that he believes that his reaction test was genuine and produced results. So this is one of my higher town reads for sure.



Not much has changed, posting wise, from my original post.

Blizer has been pretty consistently been looking to solve. It’s the same thing that Light said in his ISO, I think he has had a very clear thought process and he seems to have a solid grasp on the game state. I liked his analysis on Napoleon, it seemed well thought-out and right now I think it is more likely to be solving than agenda.

He also has felt fairly bold. Not afraid to get his hands dirty.

Could we get some more quotes here for CRich and Blizer?

I don’t like this post.
I really don’t like this post.
The way it is written reminds me of Alice’s NK game allot.

…what do you make out of light’s reads?

[quote=“Blizer, post:572, topic:82340, full:true”]

[quote=“Napoleon, post:518, topic:82340, full:true”]
Now that my mind is fresh, I want to make a proper explanation to my actions. People still don’t seem to fully grasp this even when I came back to look again. Here we go:

Napoleon! Your entrance sounded fake!

This argument doesn’t hold. For one, I admitted that I had this pre-planned. Two, I’m not naturally a cocky player, I admit there are better players than me like Alice. Third, though I’m not sure if this impacted it, but it was the end of the night and I felt a bit more tired. This is not a good reason to scumread me.

Napoleon! Your tone feels off!

Oh yes, of course. My tone was “off” and therefore I must be wolf. Rokugan, RM4 are both examples of this where I was incorrectly scumread for having a “bad” tone… Stop it… Not all of my villager games are identical and my approach can change based on a lot of factors. Look at my motivations, in Community, it was clear that I was a wolf trying to look town by doing RTs and not using them for anything (that was my worst wolf game, I’ve performed much better as a wolf in other games), but that’s the idea.

How I usually approach games are:

  • If I’m town, I try and go into early conflicts to take out reactions - like in SFoL 61.5, to formulate reads (Me vs. CRichard D1)
  • If I’m scum, I try and make myself look town. I usually do this by attempting to mimic my town behavior, so it’s your job to figure out which is which. With that said, I’ll show you what my solving has looked like as town so far:

Napoleon! Your RTs didn’t do anything!

Yes it did. I made conclusions make on this. Frankie was unaware it was an RT and I baited a good reaction out of him as he was the one with the most pressure. And while a few said that “I did RT and didn’t do anything with the results”. Yes I did .

[quote=“Napoleon, post:91, topic:82340”]

[quote=“Napoleon, post:95, topic:82340”]

[quote=“Napoleon, post:541, topic:82340, full:true”]
Also my alice wallpost is ready:

Here it is:


Especially the “paranoia is genuine” one. She’s indirectly shading me because I said “Stop pocketing me” to CRich after he slight TL me. Instead of waiting for more of CRich’s reaction, she steps in here.

[quote=“Alice, post:245, topic:82340”]

Alone, I don’t think this could be inherently scummy, but either way it’s a misrepresentation of what happened.

What happened is:

Alice liked CRichard’s tone based off everything up to this post:

Now, everything I used to read about CRichard happened before this post.

There’s a difference, because CRichard actually posts more game-related content

By the way, Alice only starts to change her stance on me a little bit after this post.

I think it’s noteworthy though, that a wolf convincing another wolf to switch targets seems less likely. I don’t think this is a W/W interaction. Alice changed course after Centuries convinced her to, I feel like W/W, Alice would be more adamant to show a level of distancing.

But interactions aside, I don’t like how Alice only reconsiders after Centuries comes out to defend me.

This comes afterwards.

This is Alice admitting that my RT actually did something. BTW, her accusation is that I did an RT and did nothing with it, which is false.

This readlist feels a bit inconsistent. She began by saying that “Ami and CRich” are good and they ended up on the top of the readslist. This is why I suspect that it might be pocketing. Also, she hasn’t really done anything with the Centuries and Napoleon interaction and I think based on her posts the Nap/Centuries ranking is way too harsh to the point of inconsistency.

For those of you are not familiar, Alice pockets a few people (in Community she did Leafia/App, in RM4, she tried pocketing Arete & Seth (Seth wasn’t a hard pocket tbh tho, it was more justifiable)), and shades people to turn them into LHF. Here’s what she did in RM4.


His tone here feels natural and not forced.
Unless he is capable of faking this as wolf, Blizer is probably village from his posts so far.

…can you guys put quoted walls into summary tags?

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I’ll show the ones that I think best exemplify my points, don’t want to make you read too many posts!



I’m not going to bore you with more, but there are a lot of these thoughts. He’s always been consistent on reads.



Also, looks like Seth actually believes in his reads.

Would probs put the towncore at CRich/Ami/Nappy/Centures/Me/Seth/maybe App.

You can die.
I feel like you would at least want to hear their claim before voting them.

I’m curious Alice you seem to just consider all low posts scummy as far as I’m concerned.
What’s your read on Chuck Alice?

Kinda forgot Blizer existed, so I’m gunna take a look at what he’s done so far.
I’m ignoring his opener as well as random votes, because they’re entirely NAI.


His first read is on me - but he doesn’t take a strong stance. He never directly says he scumreads me or townreads me, just says that it feels like I’m pushing LHF. Feels uncomfortable. He also doesn’t vote me to back this up until Alice calls him out on it.

This is unnecessary. Takes no real stance. Just says “I want to see more from this before I come to a conclusion.” Could be genuine? Seems a little bit like saying things just to say things.
I also haven’t seen him evaluate SDA’s slot after stating he wants more posts.

He has said that he wants more content to see thought process like 10 times. Not sure what to make of this. Noting it though.

This is after quoting the entirety of Napoleon’s wallpost yesterday - in which he defended himself, and gave a stance on Alice. I hate the conclusion and the lack of analysis until (once again) asked for it.

This entire post feels like real solving. Tone seems genuine - and I don’t get any bad vibes from it. His read on Alice stays consistent - when earlier he said “You, are still one of the harder people to read for me, but, from tone and perspective so far, you dont seem to be pushing agenda from my perspective, but i could be missing something.” Asking for a check, and stating that he will re-evaluate based off flips is a good look. He isn’t doing any flip-flopping on the slot.

I wish he provided more insight in the Apprentice push on Ami, and what seems to be in bad faith. Quotes would be appreciated. (edit: ignore. just continued the ISO and he did provide more insight. we gucci)

I agree with his read on Leafia. She is forming her own thoughts (well, if I might add), and her progression on slots exists. She has done some sheeping but I think that’s just her playstyle. I don’t see Leafia flipping groupscum, as she seems very isolated, and I haven’t seen any hints of TMI that I would expect from her. I have a slight tinfoil that this is the superpower - but I don’t know her townmeta so I have nothing to base this off of. I also agree on the Centuries read.

Italy vote I agree with. He has reasoning to back it up - and it isnt naked. He actually takes a stance on the slot, and says hes in his scummeta. No hedge. I like.

What I don’t like is that he still hasn’t provided a real read on SDA after saying he wants more posts from the slot. I’m… unsure if SDA posted in this timeframe, but nonetheless - would like to have seen some mention of him in this “current thoughts” post.

I agree with his CRich read. Though I think any townread on CRich is NAI, as hes pretty freakin obviously in his townmeta. Anyone, regardless of alignment, would likely point this out.

Next few posts feel genuinely solvey. Not much more to say on this.

Finally we get somewhat of a read on SDA. However, he takes no stance. He just compares how SDA is acting to how Ami is acting - which… I guess means he has SDA as null? He said earlier that Ami’s thread presence is NAI, so I’ll take this to mean he has a null on SDA. This fits with his earlier posts in which he didn’t take a stance on the slot. Looks alright for him.

Next up he has a wall of quotes from oB (which im not quoting because its long) but he provides analysis. It isn’t IIoA - and his thoughts fit everything he previously said. He disagrees with oB’s read on Leafia, calls out oB’s metaread on SDA as bullshit. I like that he’s re-evaluating slots, seemingly not pushing any agenda - and finally taking stances, but not tunneling. Feels villagery. Ends up voting oB to support this.

While I disagree with this tinfoil. The tone from this entire post (which i didnt quote the whole thing) feels pure and his thought process makes sense. I wish he would avoid making W/W reads, but this doesn’t feel like agenda. He isn’t hard-tunneling, and he ends the post by stating that he wants to see them interact more with eachother - meaning hes open to changing his mind.

I like that hes engaging with oB, talking to him, rather than about him. Not afraid of confrontation.


… I like this slot.
He has had consistent progression, as well as genuine tone when providing reads and analysis. He doesn’t seem to be pushing agenda, he is open to re-evaluation, and I mindmeld quite a bit with him.

What I really like from this slot is that hes a low-poster who has managed to provide a lot of game-related posts and content. Doesn’t feel like hes skirting around the sidelines. Hes taking stances, not being afraid of confrontation, and seems to be actively trying to solve the game.

Moving him from null to a townlean.
Y’all can fight me on this