[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Italy did the exact same shit in CFM2 and NUF. He literally claims whenever he’s pressured as a wolf.

…Light literally has the second highest post count this match.

The seth we know and love seems to be back

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I have a very low content ratio, unfortunately.


Thing is your not even trying to interact with your Null reads and some other reads you have doubts on.

…every time I let the pressure off you you start to post off-topic.

Who am I not interacting with?

Can i ask why Ami is in your towncore? (I’m assuming you arent including townleans in here? idk the real definition of towncore tbh - thought it was just strong townreads).

i mighta missed this if you already said

Tone in general and I don’t think she faked that derp clear.

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I’ve seen multiple times this game where Alice could have cased someone but didn’t.

disagree with putting someone in towncore simply based off of tone

but its pretty freakin early and all we really have to go off of are tone and interactions
so you get a pass

just be open to re-eval later i guess


Light`s response here isnt bad, but he still doesnt look good in my eyes.

i know we have a couple hours left in the day here, and i feel like there is something im not seeing tbh.

Like, idk what it is, but something feels off.

not being afraid of alice feels nice

Was SR’ing light early and literally everyone was ignoring him despite his reads being textbook plinko board.

According to the law of Mafia since nearly everyone has been ISO’d and TR’d at one point we now panic

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Or even give some big brain thought.
An example is that straight out Italy vote.
Alice could have mentioned like “Don’t Hammer this yet” “this slot needs more attention” or “let them claim first” but didn’t and just outright voted them because “PoE”

He literally had only like 3-4 votes on them. He wasn’t getting quickhammered.

cherrypicking bad

You weren’t playing the game when I made that vote on you.

cherrypicking bad.

someone give me latest vc

ya girl is lazy af