[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Hmm, alice has more votes than I thought!

/jettison Alice

Let’s see where this takes us, eh? Reading up on Chuck now!

I call bullshit on this. You’re not trying to evaluate my alignment.

Yes, strongarming the thread is antitown, but I did it as I was pushing a strong SR.

haha this literally sounds like textbook opportunism wtf


Alright, now this is going too far, CRich.

An experienced player doing something they know is anti-town. I don’t think I have to connect the dots here. This is something I’d expect from Seth, not you, Alice.

Yeah, dont insult people please

Lets try to keep salt to a minimum.

I mean his ISO is mostly just pushing on people without a case and stuff like the terrible reactiontest he started with. SDA is always like this and there isn’t anything in his tone that’s made me inclined to think he’s more scummy than he usually does

It was sarcasm because I’ve been saying that SDA feels like normal town SDA

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I did it as I felt Italy was a designated mislynch and ob was a wolf going UTR.

You’re not evaluating my motivations here, you’re just pushing me based on optics.

Then pay attention next time.

Italy wagon earlier is probably good for analysis ima go check it out

Alright, just shut up at some point about it CRich.

How about you make me do it.

You yourself have said that strongarming thread is anti-town! I’m not saying it just for the italy jettison, i’m saying you’ve been doing it all game! I would not expect you as town to play like this, even if you believe in reads it’s never the right move to completely control thread and that is what you are doing! I saw the long post where you talked about how hyperposting is bad, and even if it’s been mostly on-topic, you have 18% of posts in thread and have constantly been forcing the thread in one direction or the other!

Yeah because I’m the bad guy for pointing out when someone is being stupid?
So be it then.

Blizer/Chloe started Italy wagon and then Leafia/Nappy/CRich/Frankie/Alice went on after. I don’t know how great this is for analysis, since most of the push was before Italy picked up postcount and then afterward the votes just kind of sat there. Wagon starters seemed to have good reason for it and the others joined on later. This is probably just going to get into bs preflipping territory though

Sorry for this, I know i’m getting heated, i’m going to just read Chuck’s posts. Richard, please calm down yourself too. You are being very cruel to light and nobody likes being called Stupid!

He brought this onto himself for not paying to the thread. This is on him only.

Also guys please calm down. We’re all playing this for fun and no need to call others names or get upset. If you need to go take a break from thread for a bit to clear your head go for it.

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I will be forced to DM cat pics if this continues