[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

wait that means I can fully commit to play mafia games without phone posting?

its iso time my dudes

if i dont post an iso it means i lost my internet for some reason and i hate my life

Yeah im checking out ami

i have an obligation to my fallen comrade

or some shit

Derps might be town here. Town Derps tends to say what he thinks about slots out loud no matter how contrarian they are. Scum Derps on the other hand isn’t this contrarian.
My read is based on how is playing here and in SFoL 58.

Missed he.
Not good missing words.

Okay so I’m going to take this ISO and consider all of his posts as someone who has played 3 games of FM in his entire life

Opener is whatever

So is this post

Still not AI

Apart from how this post was made to sound relatable there’s not much AI still

Still nothing

Shading on Leafia (it wasnt a proper quote thats why you cant see the post)

Okay so there’s not much being said about the game

Once again, I don’t think it’s W/W

Shading SDA parly

Aggressive towards Seth, Okay I like it, now I’d like to see more than tone/gut reading him

Okay so Nap is town

This is why I said I’m not reading as someone who is good at the game

Town reading me (I really dont like using “genuine” to tr someone)

Again high effort, consistant though

“seems fine” still not much, no quoted posts nothing

So it’s a Slight V read on Chloe, kind of weird how Chloe seems like a less developed read

Missed the Alice read but yeah it’s same as me so it’s weak

Nulltown on Crich

Okay so let’s look at who he interacted with earlier on

Nap - A townread
Leafia - Also an SR
Seth - Obvious SR
SDA - he didnt say much but qualify his play as chaotic “jester like”

No Leafia though?

That’s weird, maybe he forgot? I don’t think so

Anyway the SDA read is kinda wack, Seth it’s weird how much he’s confidant and OB eh? I don’t know what to say but underwhelming reads


Null read on Italy and 10posts

Okay so Seth is being SR’d for being “odd, declarative and direct”

I don’t understand??

He’s in thread but not doing anything

Okay so he’s probably going to try to debunk what I said

That’s his reasoning and what he wants to counter my ISO with

You’re not a bad townie, so far you’re an useless townie at best

Kinda weird how he drops the only vote he looks sure of just like that

Your ISO is more than the Seth vote though??


Kinda feels hypocritical, his evolution seems weird, earlier he was TRing him and now it just seems like a self pres vote except he’s actually pushing him?

I don’t see the reasoning, just call self pres self pres?

There’s no evolution on most these reads and the ones changing are like

“Oh so you wanted to lynch me but I’m only SRing the leader not the ones following him”

There’s nothing, nothing pro town, his ISO of App looks like him trying but the rest of the time he’s doing nothing but coasting he barely defended himself compared to App, no one voiced being anti app wagon yet everyone seemed to care about Chuck not dying, I don’t see why?

He doesn’t show any evolution and his last reads are painfully simple except for me voting him and App being at the bottom despite his ISO looking more like he’s actually TRing him lol

Like it’s not because he’s not doing anything harmful that he’s a townie

If Chuck flips scum here, then Napoleon doesn’t look so good as he was defending Chuck and upping Apprentice. Check the VCA EoD1.

The more I look at his ISO of App the more it looks like he has NO REASON not to put me at the bottom of his readslist compared to App and again he has NO POSTS about me all he did was OMGUS me

im losing braincells over this iso

or maybe cuz im half asleep

i might shelf it for now so i can form actual thoughts and not half-ass it

Quick Glance at Frankie’s ISO is that I like it, only wish she’d have more posts Chuck related or anything about the actual lynch pool

TLDR of what i have so far is that i want more game-related content from Ami, or I’m all for executing this slot. (Over) 30% of her ISO is shitposting or off-topic things. What she does post about the game contains little to no analysis.

Disregarding meta, this ISO is so incredibly… useless. Theres almost nothing for me to analyze. Lack of reasoning behind votes, lack of reasoning behind her early readslist, very very few interactions with other players, and a “derpclear” that I’m not really accepting.

Its like this slot exists just to pop in, vote, then pop out. If you’re town, can you please start acting like it? There are a few slots like this that provide barely any game-related content, and its unfair to the rest of us who are trying to play.

Also quick reminder to please not take anything I say during a match personally (goes to everyone). I’m dissing on your play, not you as a person.

Also im sick of having to ask townies to start acting like townies.

Do your job

Play the game y’all signed up for


I’d rather this isn’t the same scenario as CFM2 where too many townies weren’t doing much and the NK and Mafia proceeded to wreck the town.
Don’t tell me we’re seeing this repeat in this game.

I’m totally sussing one of you two if you make it far into the game

Like I’m a hider so I have a reason not to die but you two if you don’t have any defensive actions yeahhh

Which of those two are you referring to?

You and Chloe aka the most active townies

Meta wise Chloe looks fine