[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Seth’s early posts are hilarious. They are also reminiscent of an acid trip.

I chuckled.

Some of these are so performative.

The definition of a double-edged sword statement. Comes from scum.

He’s kinda… not taking stances. Not doing anything he will have to take responsibility for later down the line.

I chuckled.

It really takes him a while to develop a stance here.

Wow, first read of the game after posting for quite a while, and it’s a relatively easy read to make.
Not earning any town points.
Also, this reason to townread CRich is bad, but that goes without saying.

Okay, so Chloe is scum and Alice is town, or at least Chloe thinks that Alice is town, right…?

How did he manage to turn a “TvS” starting point into a “TvT or SvS” conclusion?
Clever way to make yourself exempt from responsibility later down the line.


Mentions having a townread on leafia, but makes sure to keep an option open to mislynch Leafia later, if possible.
What is this.


What are these preflips?

Mode probably scum tbh.

I’m not liking Vul here

If I say it, she’s going to fix it.
If it’s consistent, it may allow me to read her better, which is good for me and for the village when I’m V.

I agree, I probably shouldn’t waste so much time on a bleeding player.

Also, hi. :wave: :heart:

On a skim, Frankie had good tone but not much else to V lean him for.

His reads don’t feel like the analysis I usually see from town Vul

Then I don’t care about it so better make a better case if you don’t want that slot lynched

Ah, yes, you have caught me. I must selfvote and appeal to emotion now. I Am Wolf.


Chloe? (Early still bad. Gets better later. Volume feels good but is fakeable with all the padding.)
Frankie/Blizer/10posts (still have to read them.)
Chuck (If none of the above are flipping scum, revisit this.)

Also possible that Italy suddenly cares about the game despite randing scum. Could be a more likely world if he’s exactly LW, since I have no idea if he struggles with posting as LW.

Hmmm, I kind of see what you mean there by Seth being preformative.

Italy has gotten a lot less off-topic and more game focused, and I have had the game Evolution Mafia and the Game 28 ENDGAME recommended, and I’m willing to believe the meta tells for now. Enough so that I don’t want to push on him.

I still think that Alice’s emotion was genuine, and so I do not want to push her replacement slot today. My current PoE right now is:


I do not think this is the exact mafia team, but this is who I want to focus right now. 10 posts is a hard read because they aren’t saying that many alignment indicative things, just being rude to most people and talking about not-specific-to-the-game things, and even advocating for a policy lynch. I understand the frustration with keeping up, but there is just not too much to go on. I think some of the things they say are reasonable but it’s not enough for me to get a real substantial read on her slot.

This mostly looks like what I have. :thinking:

Vulgard is a little brash, I’ll do a deeper dive on him later. I’m not sure if italy meta as Cult Leader and Mafia are exactly the same but that’s what I could find.

Yeah so I don’t think town Vul does this?

Remember that time I replaced into SFoL 61.5 and selfvoted, calling myself wolf, as my 2nd post in the game?

That isn’t AI for Alice she gets emotional as either alignment

This is a different scenario

To be honest, this looks villagery. I don’t think this guy is pushing agenda / pushing in bad faith at all.

And this post is really good. I think I’m locking this in as town.

Having so few posts makes the guy so much easier to read. I don’t think all the insults targeted at this slot were entirely warranted.

I think her frustration with getting SPK a lot is true in particular. Her posting matches that mindset, and I can definitely relate to that feeling! I do not think she faked it just to get town credit, I think her posting in general shows that she wants to push her beliefs before she gets killed!

I guess I can add seth to the PoE as well, I forgot about him, and i’ll probably have to read him more later on.

Vote hopping early.

Having this thought so early gives him town points in my book.


This entire post is really cool and Good.

This feels like a villagery defense, and it’s also highly independent. Not many people had developed thoughts like these at the time.

I actually like the fact he’s pressuring the player with a distinctive meta while managing to be funny about it. I think he would be more rigid as a wolf.

I think I’m agreeing with this guy too much for him to be scum unless my reads are garbage.

He also feels super different from the last FoL he played in. Nothing he’s posted reeks of bad faith to me.

I think I’m ready to lock this one in as town.

If you’re town I’m flipping all your reads :wink: