[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

I did, but I was ISO’ing you and remembered how you are usually anti town when you play even as town

Allot of the focus today has been towards your slot and for good reason.

5 votes now as I voted for Gorta too.

Jaina is a mage
I’m not mage. I’m Hunter who used Mark on Chuck.
Superpower is Glenn since Italy was bled today

Ngl i have… pretty much zero wolf wolf wolf reads atm. Reading back over d1 (especially EoD) last night I had suspicion on Centuries and Ami, but now I’m back to square one because of Fire Mage shenanigans and because you’re in Ami’s slot. So yeah.

Me being aggressive isn’t AI tbh. I’m just frustrated this game. Am town tho

I’m helping how i know how to !!
I cant think well from other people’s perspectives but I can give it a better try

Chloe, Crich, Leafia, Vul, Italy/Centuries
Havent given Blizer a 2nd look since yesterday, but I remember liking his slot as well.

Unless Nappy has some form of self-protection (which he probably would have said something by now), Chuck can’t be LW. Nobody else visited Nappy, so he wasnt healed or anything. Also Chuck visited Nappy and Nappy only - superpower cards say they can do 2 night actions at once. Hes town or groupscum unless im missing something big

I disagree on towncoring Napoleon, but I might just be being petty. I dont think hes out of his wolfrange - but theres nothing particularly wolfy hes done
Also 10_posts is only slightly town for me because of the stupid bleed, otherwise the slot is underwhelming. They could be softclaiming the bleed so someone else doesnt have to

I don’t want to jettison gorta tbh. Alice seemed like she was genuinely trying to solve the game and nothing reeked of agenda. Maybe i should re-read the slot

Alice/gorta cant be LW.
CRich was bled d1 (assuming by Glenn) and Seth said they used 0 actions.
So either seth is lying, which is stupid
Or that just straight up isnt LW

Why is seth pushing that slot so hard as LW if he knows they didnt bleed d1


I wanted credit for that, dammit ):<

Exactly my point!

Oh Chloe is on to save Gorta!

Also i just realized something really freaking stupid

And idk why i didnt check this shit earlier

This is bs and you know it

Whoever bled me is gunna die too

I am not a damn wolf and y’all know this, but y’all push me anyway

It’s all good.

Assuming theyre town

And we dont have 2 scum bleeders

Seth do you still think gorta is LW?

Mode is known for being anti town as town, but I think Mode/Leafia is a team here

The way they play off of each other is just too odd

I want this question answered

Huh? How come?

Great to hear.

Jettison Count

Accused Voters Votes
an_gorta_pratai ModeShifter, SirDerpsAlot, Italy, Leafia, Blizer 5/9
Chuck CRichard564 1/9
Napoleon 10_posts_daily 1/9
Chloe Napoleon 1/9
Frankie Vulgard, Centuries 2/9
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Check the Orc card

“You will suicide if you kill a member of your faction”

If it was a town bleed, we both die tonight