[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

And Alice is a good enough player to know that bleeding someone D1 isn’t necessarily a good idea and in a world where Genn doesn’t bleed anyone D1, you could still be Genn.

I can’t be the LW

How though?

Explain why and just because you didn’t take an action D1 means nothing.

If the LW bled someone D1 they risk hitting an ally.

Mode confirms it, meaning if mode is legit then I am not a damn LW

I think Italy/Centuries is V/V. The mech benefits of picking Arcane greatly outweigh the benefits of picking Fire imo.

It might not be a straight up strongman, as theres no factional, but if any gscum member has a vig, you would take Arcane. Also, you can still assist LW with Arcane even if you dont know who theyre attacking. Just take a guess.

I just dont really see Italy groupscum here
He could be Jaina gigabraining us all but i dont wanna speculate on that
And im sure theres a problem with that thought as well that im not seeing

Are any actions you took N1 seen by Mode too?

Jettison Count

Accused Voters Votes
an_gorta_pratai ModeShifter, SirDerpsAlot, Italy, Leafia, Blizer 5/9
Chuck CRichard564 1/9
Napoleon 10_posts_daily 1/9
Frankie Vulgard, Centuries 2/9

Mode and Leafia pushing the tinfoil that I am the LW is the reason why I go back and forth on Mode and Leafia

leafia’s saying alice could have not bled anyone to avoid hitting her team

@Italy I wouldn’t bleed you regardless, as there are other better targets than you

I get that, but it’s still a tinfoil when Blizer has shown that I am not the LW

Because you have yet to explain exactly why it’s impossible for you to be LW. Tell me, could you still be LW in a world where Genn didn’t bleed anyone D1?

except in the eyes of someone who doesn’t know i’m troll would just see me as a big consensus townread that needs to go

Just lynch me and lose if you are town

Why not just kill you then?

This is the most likely scenario too.

You guys are pushing someone you are all insanely certain is LW based off of mechanical spectulation.

Do you guys not see the issue with this

This is how we lose games
We get focused on mech mech mech (i do too, and i kinda am rn) and tunnel people to death just because of what could be a coincidence.

How about this
DISREGARDING MECHANICS why do you want a gorta jettison

he’s like
the only possible lolwolf i could spot except maybe mode