[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

I did not phrase it that way! I said that I could prove myself to be a worgon or town. I could prove myself as one of the two!

Why would you ever say it this way if you’re town

You literally have to die because of this

1 Like

My thoughts exactly.

Unofficial Jettisoncount

Accused Voters Votes
an_gorta_pratai Italy, Napoleon 2/9
Napoleon 10_posts_daily, Vulgard 2/9
Frankie Centuries, Leafia, Blizer, CRichard564 4/9
ModeShifter Chloe, an_gorta_pratai 2/9
Vulgard ModeShifter 1/9
SirDerpsAlot Frankie, Moleland 2/9

Ping me if anything here is wrong :eyes:

Because it would be dishonest to just say I can prove myself as town, because worgon was a possibility! I was saying that I could narrow my class down to one of the two!

Do you really think that I, somebody with 3 years of Forum Mafia experience, would outright claim a non-town class? Is this a language barrier thing? This is utterly nonsense.

Okay I’m probably not getting healed tonight. So in the instance I do die, please read this shit.





Chloe - hi thats me. ayaya

CRich - This read is almost entirely based off of meta. He is very very different as a wolf. Everything he has said this game has felt pure. Perhaps re-eval if this slot lives too long.

Italy - Mega tinfoil on this slot - and it’s probably negated simply because he’s in his townmeta. It’s possible that he lied about the bleed, and is actually the Superpower Jaina Proudmoore who is gigabraining us all. I don’t see this slot ever being groupscum. He has been active in the game, even before being “mechcleared” - which is his townmeta, and a very obvious one at that.

Centuries - lolfiremage. Please give this slot another look if we keep jettisoning townies. I didn’t like his voteswapping at EoD1, where Apprentice went from a SL of his to a TR without any progression in the thread, but brushed it off because he selected Fire Mage abilities, over the much better option of Arcane, for scum.

Vulgard - He’s a content-producing machine. This is town!Vul unless he seriously improved his scumgame (which is a possibility). Always re-eval if he lives for a while, and if we keep jettisoning villagers.

basically, just fuckin re-evaluate people. dont misclear. kthx

10_posts_only - This slot frustrates me, but its likely that they’re V from their softclaim to have bled me. If I die tonight and they don’t, get their ass probably. Unsure if you can heal the person suiciding, so yeah.

Alice/an_gorta_pratai - I’m pretty sure this slot is just town, but I want to leave a bit of wiggle room. Alice seemed to be genuinely trying to solve the game as shes usually a common n1 SPK. Gorta seems alone af. His wagon was stagnant, and me and Vul were the only people really defending him.

Blizer - Read my ISO of him d1. Nothing has changed there. Also he claimed to be the 3rd Fire Mage.

Frankie/Derps - I have no real reads on either of these slots. I don’t know how to read them. They just exist. Figure em out. No time left for me to. Glhf.

Napoleon - I stand by my push on him d1. I disliked his dumb RTs and his reaction to my superpower question. Nothing he has said has made me particularly happy and ready to call him town, but I also have bias on this because I was the person who asked the superpower question and I want to think I got an AI response ):<. I’m putting him here because I don’t have time before EoD to read through what he has said d2 and re-eval the slot.

Chuck/Moleland - Chuck barely existed, and when he did, he barely provided anything towards the game, except some insight into his metaread on seth… Don’t have time to re-eval and check out Moleland’s d2. This isn’t LW. He visited Nappy and Nappy only on n1, and unless Nappy outs being a self-protector, he wasnt attacked most likely.

Leafia/Modeshifter - I’m clumping these two together because I’m running out of time and I really want to be able to talk to people again before EoD. Read my d2 for my reads on these slots. I think the push on gorta was in bad faith.

I have zero scumreads, which worries me. Just scumleans. So I’m sorry if this doesn’t give you guys a ton to work with.
That’s what I’ve got
Don’t sheep people, no matter how townie you think they are - in fact, don’t sheep this post either, just take what i’ve said into consideration. Make your own reads.
Don’t jettison villagers.
Stay in school, kids

Anyone can scumslip accidentally. Even the best of players.

But this was not a scumslip! My intentions of the post were clear! I am saying I can prove myself as either worgon, or an undead! HOW IS THIS HARD TO UNDERSTAND?!?!?!

It makes WAYY more sense for someone to just claim you can confirm your class tonight instead of literally just saying

Oh I could be the scum race that can fake my ability OR I’m town

Okay what the hell is happening

That would be dishonest! I can’t just say that I can one hundred percent prove myself as town, because I cannot. How is the fact that I pointed out the TRUTH evidence that I MUST die!

It looks like Centuries and Frankie are in a thunderdome if I’m seeing things correctly.

No, we are not! He is just pushing me for a very terrible reason!


that is not a scumslip

Saying you’re either town or insert scum class here is not a scumslip.

I swear people worship the almighty scumslip


I feel like I am playing with children here! I have only once, in my Mafia career, seen a “slip” happen. And that was the #1610 thing in the Mafia Championships game! If you truly believe this then you are very much uninformed in the ways of Mafia!

My issue is that the way it’s phrased it sounds way more likely it’s scum aware of the existence of Worgen especially due to way the sentence was made

I don’t believe it’s a slip but I believe it’s way more likely u say this from informed pov than uninformed

Honestly, Leafia backing up this push is giving me incredibly bad vibes. It feels like all she wants to do is push me to die, and then pin it on centuries! I am considering voting her today!