[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

dingus you absolute FOOL

She behaved that way in a few mafia games I read from her, where she would sheep incorrect townspeople and act overly supportive of their false reads. She has already shown inconsistencies in her thought process and is very likely mafia. But I digress, there is not much I can do here with so little time left.

Leafia usually sheeps a lot of reads and I don’t think her Day 2 was bad

Her push was somewhat questionable depending on the slot but it’s something I would kinda expect from Leafia.

Hey don’t call the bot a dingus!

She was like blatant Mafia in CFM2.

I have only seen her do that in Mafia games. If somebdoy could link me a town game from her before the night ends, that would be appreciated, but it seems we do not have the time! Unfortunate!

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ModeShifter has been JETTISONED.

They were…

Night Elf

Elune’s Grace (Passive) - Upon dying, you may use one of your night abilities the following night whilst dead.
Shadowmeld (Day) - You are immune to any effects that are triggered upon visiting tonight. - 2 uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.


Assassination, Outlaw or Subtlety

Stealth (Night) - Sneak around a player’s house, learning how many abilities they have used in total. - Infinite uses
Mutilate (Night) - Kill a player. Their flip will not be revealed. - 1 use

The night falls and will end on 2020-06-22T04:19:00Z. Please submit an action by then.


Final EoD2 Jettison Count, courtesy of katze

Accused Voters Votes
an_gorta_pratai Italy 1/9
Napoleon 10_posts_daily, Vulgard 2/9
Frankie Leafia, Blizer, CRichard564 3/9
ModeShifter Chloe, an_gorta_pratai, Centuries, Napoleon, Frankie 5/9
Vulgard ModeShifter 1/9
SirDerpsAlot Moleland 1/9

This topic was automatically opened after 13 hours.

Processing night now. Feedback will be sent shortly.

The night has ended.

Vulgard has died. He was…


Hardiness (Passive) - Positive effects used on you last for twice as long. This does not affect Holy Word: Serenity
Blood Fury (Day) - Slash at a player. They will die in two days unless healed. They will be aware. This can only be used on odd days. You will suicide if you kill a member of your faction. - 1 use
Ensure that all of the Alliance are eliminated.


Arms, Fury or Protection

Intimidating Shout (Night) - Discover a player’s class. - Infinite uses
Furious Slash (Night) - Attack a target player. You will suicide if you kill a member of your faction. - 1 use

Frankie has died. He was…


Undead (Passive) - You may talk to the living for two days after death.
Touch of the Grave (Day) - Establish a link between you and a dead player, allowing you to communicate for the night. - 2 uses
Ensure that all of the Alliance are eliminated.


Beast Mastery, Marksmanship or Survival

Beast Mastery
Tripwire (Night) - Set a snare at a player’s house. You will be told who visited them. - Infinite uses
Befriend (Night) - Tame a beast. You will gain a random ability from any class to use the next night. This cannot be an ability from a faction superpower. After that, the ability will revert back to Befriend. - 2 uses

Day three starts and will end on 2020-06-24T04:40:00Z


give us your results


Kitty, back from the dead here!

I’ve moderrored.

Night 1, I used befriend, and got create soulwell.

Night 2, I used tripwire on Centuries, and my ability failed. I also used touch of the grave on apprentice!

god damn it