[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

I’m a lot less busy today

Gonna catch up now

Okay Nappy and I’m genuinely glad to see you. Maybe you can help me talk some sense into Chloe and Centuries.

Going to take a break now. Hopefully Nappy has published that book he’s writing by the time I get back.

I didn’t heal Chloe, I healed CRichard last night.

So either I was redirected off CRichard or I hit someone else’s BB. Scrolling through the chat, neither Blizer nor Centuries said anything about it, so I’m assuming that I was probably redirected?

Wait I think I might know what happened then.

Italy targetted Chloe.
CRichard redirected Italy’s visitors to himself.
I was on CRichard, and Italy’s BB, which was redirected to CRichard, caught that.
CRichard wasn’t caught by the BB because he’s a DK and his ability is a single target.

If Italy’s Barrier detected me, then CRichard’s redirect is confirmed.

@CRichard564 Why did you use that ability on Chloe?

Dude the last time you said this, you were scum.

On Day 1 in SFoL61.5, I called for the Prince to jail and execute you, and you called me “stupid”. However, your emotions at the time weren’t genuine compared to other games where you were pushed and that’s why on Day 2 EoD, you demonstrated some remorse for what you said.

So… why are you worried about your friendship with Centuries?

This is unlikely - I think CRichard is telling the truth here.

Moleland did transendence me N1.

What the fuck is this…?

lol is Leafia actually a wolf again?

Okay I want to clear a few things out. I’m getting mixed up with all the night actions, so I want everyone to claim, with their day and night action logs, and their reasoning and thought process for doing so. There are a few things that I feel like I’m not fully caught up with yet.

@10_posts_daily Out your day and night actions - there’s no reason for you to hide it. I’ve had both town and scum do this shit where they refuse to reveal their night ations, just making the game harder for town.

/vote Leafia


there is a thread for voting now btw Nappy.

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N1 Blazing Barrier Alice
N2 N3 are just random blinks

N1 Blazing Barrier Nappy (I can confirm Chloe`s Track on Moles slot there)
N2 Blink
N3 Blazing Barrier Centuries

Chuck let my slots speciality be chosen by rng because he’s helpful like that.

  1. He chose to transcend Nap
  2. Kick Derps
  3. Kick 10

Seriously Nappy? Don’t you think I’d have someone defending me if I was scum?

Start using your head people and start thinking. Me being scum makes no sense whatsoever when Seth killed Vulgard N2. He obviously killed Vulgard because he wanted me to get lynched. That’s literally the only possible explanation. I’m done defending myself though. If it takes me getting lynched for you to realize that you’ve been played by scum this whole time because you didn’t bother to use common sense and think, so be it because I give up.

There. Voted myself so just get this over with. I just don’t care any more because I know that this’ll get town back on the right track. Chloe is tomorrow’s lynch too for being my biggest pusher when it should be obvious to her that I’m not scum.

hey leafia

what did you do n1 and n2 for actions?

I already listed that before I believe.

Here’s a quote if you need one.

How many abilities did 10 posts use?

If i see this one more time
I’m tempted to simply ignore your slot

Im playing the damn game
You’re acting scummy
I’m calling out your scumminess
Not my fault you’ve been scummy, so dont blame me for this push

Yeah. Read the rest of the post - I agree with you that hes probably just tellin’ the truth

d1 - No action |
n1 - Mark Chuck - visited Napoleon |
d2 - War Stomp (night occupy) Leafia |
n2 - Tripwire Vulgard - visited by ModeShifter |
d3 - War Stomp (night occupy) Leafia |
n3 - Mark Leafia - visited nobody | 0 nightkills

n1 cuz counterwagon
d2 cuz bad faith push on gorta
n2 cuz spk
d3 cuz scum found
n3 cuz scum maybe bypass

Gimme more AtE
I have a hunger

This isnt how things work
Also its not obvious in the slightest that you arent scum, or people wouldnt agree with me


this is important

did you use rocket boots d2, and if you did, how many abilites did 10 posts use.

That self vote is eww.

Also, still think 10 is the better lynch



Voting 10 after 36h mark
Dont wanna risk quickhammer shenanigans in the offchance theyre town, even though its unlikely

I could see leafia as gs trying to take a bullet to buy another day for 10, assuming that’s our LW

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Im awaiting her answer towards her n2 results.

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