[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

I’m aware of it.
But I’m also sure that I am able to 100% clear myself both rolewise as well as racewise.

So it doesn’t really matter.

Now, if you are so insiting on killing me, can you first kill a person who is “confirming” me first and who was blocked last night, and there was no nightkill and whose only race confirmation comes from night when Worgens would change into horde race etc. etc?

It’s really only Italy vs Leafia right now.

You say you are confirmable but present no evidence.

Frustratingly, the alt slip reveals the poasibility you’d be willing to suicide cult to prove a point.

Stop giving me weird ideas, considering I’m at L-1.

The most annoying part is that Leafia first confirms me, yet is voting me.

And noone is noticing stuff like that.


I’ve come up with an idea. @10_posts_daily you will cooperate fully with me tomorrow or you will be catapulted into the sun? Ok?

We make Leafia unalive tonight.

One question - when did Leafia claim goblin?

Day 3, so they wouldn’t know if they will go Goblin or not on day 4.
That’s fine.

If they flip anything else than goblin, we will know they were worgen.
If they flip goblin, they are either very lucky or town.

Wait, no.
They would switch always to the same race apparently.

Meaning that Leafia flips Goblin Rouge regardless here.

Which casts even more doubt on theirs rocket boots claim on day 2 and 4, when Worgen would be switched to other race.

@Moleland ^ this

Does Worgon flip the race it mimics or just acts like it?

I believe they flip the race they mimic

gonna double check with kyo rn.

They flip as well

okay so they do flip as horde on an even day.

Is that a reason to not kill them today? We can just assume WCS and that it was a mislynch

Im just thinking things over atm.

I wanna hear thoughts from everybody regarding this before we decide on a lynch today tbh.

Honestly, im for a Leafia lynch tbh.

if there are no deaths tonight, then yes, Leafia was Genn, and we need to find groupscum then.

The point being that it deosn’t clear/incriminate Italy.

I thought EoD was last night. Apologies.

@CRichard564 Please stop misusing the term thunderdome. Saying that there has to be a wolf im moleland/10_posts_daily is absurd, and can be very misleading.

Why are you people pestering 10_posts_daily to claim? There is no reason to do it and just helps Mafia narrow down which PRs to kill. I only claimed because I could potentially confirm myself, but if 10_posts_daily finds no reason to claim, then they should not be forced to!

He already claimed a class. I was wanting his actions to see if that claim was believable

Napoleon healed my bleed.
I saw Chuck (Moleland) visit Napoleon and Napoleon only on n1, and this was confirmed by Blizer’s Fire Mage shit - meaning Mole isn’t LW
I saw Seth and only Seth visit Vul on the night he died
I occupied Leafia and there were no nightkills

Its not one thing confirming anyone
In fact, there are no real mech confirms, as scum and town can both have the same abilities.

How is Leafia unlikely LW in your eyes? I do think theres a possibility that this is Worgen/Genn, and they will flip Horde today, but I’m curious why you think this is only Worgen groupscum.
I think I’m fine with just killing the slot tomorrow (?), as we get a 100% true flip, and can find associations based off of that, and not speculation of whether or not she was a Worgen

I do understand. It doesnt help that SoD/EoD are late for some Americans - its just a bit frustrating.

This is… exactly why you should out this information. If you outted it 24h ago we would have plenty of time to discuss - but now it might make it a chaotic day. Regardless - if you have information that could help us solve the game you are actively harming town by not outing it.

Can you at least explain why you haven’t proven yourself yet?

This requires Leafia to have not lied, which, I’m pretty sure Leafia is just a damn wolf - so I have no reason to believe they’re telling the truth about how many actions you’ve used. They could absolutely be gscum taking a hit in your place.

You’re claiming monk with nobody confirming a link.

Your insistence that you will not out your mech info does look slightly townie, as you aren’t crumbling under pressure and relying on mech to save you - but I still think you’re not doing us any favors by withholding info that could impact the game, as you said it can.

Can you explain your thought process behind these?

There is a slight flaw in this, in that LW can no-action in order to force more MLs - and, if we have enough scum alive, they might only need… 1 ML? Idk, I can’t do math rn

Idk where the fuck to put my vote
Leafia is scummy as all hell, and I’m pretty sure they flip wolf here. But theres a very high likelihood that this is a Worgen, as they are fine with being the jettison and want me to be the jettison tomorrow for being their biggest pusher.
They also claim Goblin day actions on the only two days in which a Worgen would have Goblin day actions.
Killing this, if it flips town, gives us no associations to work with unless we go under the assumption that she was indeed a Worgen.

10_posts has been actively refusing to give us mechanical information that he claims “can make 4 “proven” people back to unproven pool.” Which, is pretty damn important, if we’re misclearing people???
I dislike the self-resolving-100-percent-mech-confirmed claim, as he hasn’t confirmed himself yet and its d4.
He was a big factor in the push onto Derps yesterday - and, though many of us agreed with it, I don’t think Derps would have been jettisoned if not for his insistence
The only person ‘confirming’ this slot is someone I heavily scumread, as well