[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)


To be fair, it seems there was only 8 minutes left in the day at this point
But i think it was hella clear Centuries was doing an RT

And you voted Frankie not because you scumread him, but because you believed there was a thunderdome between Centuries and Frankie?

Did you townread Centuries?

Well it wasn’t clear to me as I didn’t know Centuries does this as I haven’t seen him do it before.

I did yes.


Thing is what is obvious to veterans here in FM isn’t obvious to players like me.

Did you see why Centuries said he scumread Frankie, and agree with it? Or were you simply sheeping

I read that Centuries claimed Frankie said something that incriminated her as scum and I believed him.

i feel like an interrogator


cant tell if im good cop or bad cop tho

Okay so you didnt see the RT in the first place

You were sheeping Centuries

It’s on me for not seeing through Centuries RTing Frankie earlier.
Then again I’m not a veteran FM player.

I’m curious. Does everyone here assume that people who play here are automatically FM veterans even though that can’t be the case?

So you stopped voting a scumread of yours in order to sheep a townread of yours in a nonexistent thunderdome - after not even reading the RT

You realize this looks bad right?
Like trying to get the counterwagon to pick up steam so Seth wouldn’t be voted?

Eh i personally dont think you need to be a veteran to be good at FM

There are some very talented new players, and some very bad vets

Yeah I’ve noticed. Why do you think I was trying to self resolve my slot so you don’t waste my time jettisoning me?

… self resolve as in die?

am confuse

If I kill a townie with my 2nd ability, I die as well.
If it’s a wolf, then that confirms me as town.

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Really? That’s the first time I’ve heard this.

The shitty thing is that I still have a feeling you’re town because of meta and how genuine you’ve been this game

But disregarding meta
It looks like you potentially signaled to lost wolf
Looks like you potentially faked a bleed d1, as I’m 99% sure I was bled by Leafia
Your votes are horrible
Your night actions don’t make a whole lot of sense (especially the 1-way busdrive on me)

I just
Fuck if I know
Maybe im clearing off of meta too much

I guess if you play enough games, you’ll have one where you’d wish you didn’t play it.
This is one of those games for me.

I was trying to get Mode’s kill redirected onto me so I self resolve and Vulgard is cleared as town.

Look if you guys have to jettison me to clear out the PoE, I’m all for it.