[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

You were decent

I know i shouldnt but like

I kinda am

me being impatient and not rereading to make sure im making the right choice or not was inherently bad

When I was playing on Estel I changed Estel’s theme to Grey Amber so that there would be a visual cue of which account I was on

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i have a problem

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“Identity of alternate accounts will never be revealed to anyone unless moderator intervention is required and a behavioural rule is broken or a major game rule is broken such as intentional integrity breaches.
This will always be done after the game except in extreme circumstances.”

I couldn’t clarify, that’s on eevee or moderator intervention

I suspected something when Cent and Chloe’s resukts clashed. Oof

geyde I think everyone already knew you were rigormortis

I was pretty sure

and then you told me in Dreaming gods VC when you didn’t realize I was in the game :eyes:

Who was the initial team?

but but

they were real results ):

centuries / rigormortis / app
rigormortis was also geyde

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on a roll

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Oh yeah
Geyde joined the scumchat with his Geyde discord
That was a problem.

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they didn’t figure me out

llor a no rettub

wait did i nickname myself butter

holy shit i was wine drunk

Me Geyde and App was such a dreamteam

im sad

who was the superpower?

you were on a roll
