[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

uh, i’ve played like 2 games, have a good bit of time in Town of Salem though. Also have no meta knowledge on anybody but Seth who already seems scummy to me so forgive me if my reads are smol brain

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Starts off with a vote to get things rolling at SoD, which is nice. He doesn’t seem to be too worried about actually pushing, so not very agenda-y.

Flip-flops on votes a bit, not terrible, once again, it seems to be more like looking for reactions (of which, Italy’s was definitely the worst). I like the fact that they’re actually sparking conversation, I wish they would contribute a bit more, though.

Another vote, although I’m not sure what the point of this one is. Derps was inactive.

Starting to talk about others’ reads, which is nice, but I would again like to see some of their’s.

I don’t agree, but this actually has progression, and in the previous post, evidence, which was better than what I was doing.

A nice response to CRich’s question. They’re sticking with their reads, but they’re not super-hard-pushing it.

More progression on Chloe. I’m really liking the case-building from this slot - it’s not just “open-close”. It also points to the idea that they’ve been paying a lot of attention to the thread.

Again, tying into the thought process. The flow of their thoughts seems natural, and they’re not just jumping around from person to person (except for at the beginning, which seemed to just be to spur activity.)

Case and point

Hello, Chuck. Good to have some more ToS blood in here.

Yup. I have a lot of ToS experience myself.

rn my reads are something like:

town (in no particular order)

centuries - he seems to be putting out a lot of genuine content
alice - same honestly
nap - i’m assuming an “RT” is whatever bullshit he tried to do with accusing people for exclamation points, but yeah it looks high effort and a legit effort to figure things out
frankie - seems kinda quiet after that first interaction but also seems fine
chloe - lots of effort but i like her less than some of the other townies
CR - i liked in the beginning but closer to null atm

scum (in no particular order)

seth - from a scum game i’ve played with him the whole tone of “i own the game and yall answer to me” is scum indicitave
derp - clown face emoji
oB - seems very low effort though he’s getting better

everyone else is null or slipped my mind

edit: formatting that would’ve driven me mad

This is a good start! You are now well-versed in the world of Blizer, thank you for doing this.

Do you mind giving a conclusion on what you think about his alignment after doing this, and specifically why?

I’m still thinking town, as I did before. He’s going through to effort to progress reads, going as far as to compare one of Alice’s prior games.

I see. Very interesting. Starting to think you’re just misguided about me Light.

This is a good start! I can see your thought process here and it honestly makes sense. Keep this up, it helps us read your slot and the slot of the people you are casing!


I’m sorry. I’m not an idiot. I was just reaaaaaaaaaaaaally pissed at an unknown thing and wasn’t giving really any effort whatsoever. Please stop talking to me like I’m stupid I am but it hurts my feelings

oh, because i forgot to do this in my reads post

/jettison ModeShifter

…I don’t think just posting an ISO on Blizer is enough to clear him.

But eh, I’m open to just CFD’ing to Italy considering his ISO.

People always think i’m talking down to them. I’m not! I’m not that great of a player myself, if i’m honest. You are clearly a capable player, I was just encouraging you to put your efforts towards something that helped the game more.

We still have 24 hours, Alice. There’s no real reason to be talking about CFDs right now, there’s still time for wagons to develop naturally without any pressure from an impending EoD.

I think it’s a step in the right direction, and I think he believes his read. If he keeps this up I probably won’t want to vote him at all.

I’m going to take a look at Italy now!

Chuck is probably town from their posts so.
They seem to be doing their best to solve the game.
I’m putting Chuck as a town lean.

This feels exactly like SDA’s misguided RT’s from Insurgency. He’s a stickler for people’s reactions, which is why he faked a redcheck on his greencheck, claimed he had a N0 greencheck, etc.

Unfortunately, this is normal for SDA.

Back to the RT thing… It makes a lot of sense. And he’s trying to solve in his own, idiot Derps way.
And that is the extent of my read on SDA, unfortunately. It’s mostly gut.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
Napoleon Ami 1/9
Ami Apprentice 1/9
Centuries Frankie 1/9
Chloe Centuries, Blizer 2/9
ModeShifter CRichard564, Chloe, Chuck 3/9
oB_L1ght Alice, Frankie 2/9
Centuries Leafia 1/9
Italy Napoleon 1/9

I am tempted to give people who /jettison a golden color on the votecount

everyone waiting to make post 1000 be like

Alright time to /jettison Modeshifter harder.