[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Which is true. There are exceptions to every rule though.
This time I have my reasons I can confidently say who Alice and Seth are based on their interaction so far with each other.

okay this has been something that has irked me for a bit, but last game i was in with you i was scum, and i didnt wanna get on your bad side when youre obvious town, and rn i dont care if i do

but can you try to explain reads more than just “based on his iso so far” please?
Every read is based on someone’s iso lmao. It is postcount? Tone? Weird votes? Agenda? ISO is vague

apologies if i sound rude

i just
its bugged me a little bit

things bug me
im bugged


Did you try turning yourself off and back on again?


Seth started the game posting fluff and not helping to solve the game.
His tone is rather non-committal which isn’t how I remember Seth plays the game as town.
Those are the reasons why I’m scum reading Seth.
It sounds like you need to restart yourself :sunglasses: .

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Pointing it out that the moment I lifted my pressure off ob that he suddenly stopped solving and is just shitposting.

thank you (:

gunna tone it down a notch
im being a bad example this game ngl
im rude af

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Mmm… That’s simply incorrect. I’m trying not to be rude because, y’know, being bad is bad, but they’re uncorrelated.

Why point me out and not mention Italy and Light?

True I also thought about that

In fact, Alice, you’ve been keeping up the pressure on me in every way but your vote.



Do either of you even know why I am scumread you both? Do you think I’m justified or not?

If anything, you’ve become more focused on it after you switched your vote.

You’re scumreading me because I scumread you because I wasn’t contributing to the conversation enough, it looked like my opinions were faked on my readlist, you had to prod me to provide reasoning, and because I only did three ISO’s, so I was probably just trying to seem productive to get townread. Think that covers my bases…

Alice have you ever said who you think are possible scummates with Seth?

It’s way too early to build a wolfteam as a lot of people can fit in with either of the two.

Trying to get others to mislynch me like that NK game you won there Alice?

Oh hmm this is where I assumed you were talking regarding me because the post before this mentions my name. Now I’m not too sure.

If you are referring to me The fact you said “wouldn’t kill him today” then a little bit later say you want to wagon mean just doesn’t make sense from a Town prospective IMO.
I’d expect you to at least tell me what changed.

Do you think I am doing this in good faith or in bad faith?

I have a PoE with 5 slots in it, which means assuming all 4 scum are in there I’ve put a villager in with 4 scum.

I’m not even scum but I won’t stop you from guessing tinfoil theories.