[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Since you ain’t counting my vote I’ll Gold it for yeah.

/jettison Alice


Tag him you nerds

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This isn’t SFoL 61 friend.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
Napoleon Ami 1/9
Ami Apprentice, Leafia 2/9
Chloe Blizer 1/9
ModeShifter Chloe, Chuck, Centuries 3/9
Italy CRichard564, Frankie 2/9
Apprentice Napoleon 1/9
oB_L1ght Alice, oB_L1ght 2/9
Alice ModeShifter 1/9

People who /jettison are golden

I didn’t want to be rude, but let me paraphrase. “When scum is pushed, they will either call their pushers town or scum.”

Thing is town will try to solve why their pushers is pushing them. Seth basically was skeptical at first of my push then began SR’ing that my push was in bad faith.

Instead you immediately TR’d me for it and said I was justified despite the fact that according to you I was your strongest SR before due to my tone.

Ok yeah and that can also be used as a reason with your scum meta as well.
IMO it’s irrelevant.
Yes your thought here is Town Motivated. But it’s also something I see you doing regardless of alignment.
Out of all that voted me I liked yours the least.
Chuck brought up a case and I believe so did Chloe.
You can say you went to pressure me but so did the others that voted me.
So as of RN my vote on you is staying where it is.

I’ve got a lot of little arguments agaisnt a potential W!Alice but the issue is that there’s stuff that lead me to believe she is LW but then a LW wouldn’t be pushing their reads this hard, so if Alice is scum it’s most likely groupscum

I wanted to say that wasn’t what I said, but that is essentially what I said. Hmm… How do I put it? The only reason I wouldn’t say it was in bad faith is because you are experienced enough to know how poorly it will reflect on you when I flip town.

So, I guess the question is… Do I believe that you believe that town sucks that much?

So is Alice the only one you scum read for pushing on you?
Or another way to phrase it, why town read everyone except Alice for voting you up at some point?

I know how to deal with the backlash of ML’ing a villager as you’ve seen in CFM2.

Why do you think W!Alice here would be unable to deal with the backlash?

honestly i’m still not sure why Alice was pushing Seth in the first place, kinda felt like she just bandwagoned off of my momentum

That’s the big question, Alice… And also, no, I literally do not remember you ML’ing a villager because I noped out of the game after I died.

The thing is though.
In the pervious game where Alice was NK they were pushing for Mislynches pretty hard.
They also pocketed Leafia who was scum.
And it’s possible that Chloe as Groupscum hinted to Alice and Alice went to go with the flow.

Seth had no SRs before I pushed him.

This usually happens when he’s a wolf.

Now he’s actually playing the game.

I ML’d Seth while you were still alive.

Mm, I mean, Seth was essentially a consensus vote and a low-poster to boot. That’s different than someone whose actually participating.

o right nvm