[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

I’ve given you my answer and you didn’t like it. Besides, it wasn’t that strong, the other ones were just… weaker.

You were also a nk that match so you didn’t need to worry about teammates

So you think Italy is a wolf and I’m trying to save him?

I’m honestly starting to think that Alice just might be right about Light being a wolf. His replies to her questions are horrendous.

It’s certainly a possibility

I still think the example you gave is dumb either way because that’s one very cherry picked example and like I doubt you play scum exactly the same word for word every game so yk

Oh, so you’re just starting to think that? Crazy, this is like the third time you’re just starting to think that.

My read on you has been flipflopping all game honestly. I just can’;t pinpoint whether you’re t or s.

Yeah lol.

Here’s basically why I do with teammates I perceive are going down.

If I see a team-mate getting suspicion I immediately hard-bus them. Do you honestly believe I’d compromise my position to save Italy?

GTH, who do you think are the 3 groupscum?

Like I said it’s possible

Could also be a pocket attempt

Not sure

I can’t read people off interactions and I don’t really try

Hmm… I’d say either
Ami, Frankie, CRich,
You, Leafia, CRich

This is why so many people think you’re scum so often.

Why can’t I be W/W with Frankie or Ami?

What’s the VC right now?


Keyboard why


The vote count.

Explain the reasoning behind these reads?


I mean, you could, I just don’t think it’s the likeliest groupscum.