[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Okay but that doesn’t change that you can still kill??

Wait lemme re-read it

I… I’m going to assume it’s like GTH I’d say either you, Italy, or CRich

I might be mentally ill

I can not cause the first wound. I can delay the death, however.

Okay that was written badly

I read it as you heal them but as a result they die in two nights

Not that it healed they die in two nights

A Discipline blood elf priest which Light claims to be is capable of killing and he claqims to be incapable of killing. Scumslip there.

Incorrect. Don’t fall into bad habits, Leafia.

Yeah, it was kinda weird. In context it made more sense, though.

How is it incorrect? From my understanding, if you use shadow mend on someone, they die two nights later. Please correct me if I’m wrong someone.

I’m pretty much having cold feet on ob rn.

Weird gut feeling here’s that this is somehow a mislynch.

Like, the way he’s just fighting here’s pretty villagery.

It might be me reading it incorrectly after all.


These are all coming from a fluid mindset, and they have been constantly re-evaluating. Their thought process is also consistent, and they haven’t been bouncing around at random, i.e I like their progression.

That’s literally been the last ten-fifteen posts, Leafia.

W!Ob could just stop posting and accept the L, but… he’s not.

I was planning on it. Kyo deserves more than that, though.

That’s regardless of town or wolf. I still stand bye what I said… This just wasn’t fun.

Also, I believe I am on L-1. Would anyone like to do the honors?
