[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

I just went back and looked

Y’all are fucking with me right

Because im alliance

I wanna say lolreaction test

but this feels genuine tbh.

Hold on… let me check something

Just making sure… scum was Alliance for both rands so SDA couldn’t have looked at the wrong card.

gonna hold on this thought

SDA, can you answer my previous question?

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Kyo would have informed us if it changed to Alliance as town and Horde as wolf.

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Also my alice wallpost is ready:

Here it is:


Especially the “paranoia is genuine” one. She’s indirectly shading me because I said “Stop pocketing me” to CRich after he slight TL me. Instead of waiting for more of CRich’s reaction, she steps in here.

Alone, I don’t think this could be inherently scummy, but either way it’s a misrepresentation of what happened.

What happened is:

Alice liked CRichard’s tone based off everything up to this post:

Now, everything I used to read about CRichard happened before this post.

There’s a difference, because CRichard actually posts more game-related content

By the way, Alice only starts to change her stance on me a little bit after this post.

I think it’s noteworthy though, that a wolf convincing another wolf to switch targets seems less likely. I don’t think this is a W/W interaction. Alice changed course after Centuries convinced her to, I feel like W/W, Alice would be more adamant to show a level of distancing.

But interactions aside, I don’t like how Alice only reconsiders after Centuries comes out to defend me.

This comes afterwards.

This is Alice admitting that my RT actually did something. BTW, her accusation is that I did an RT and did nothing with it, which is false.

This readlist feels a bit inconsistent. She began by saying that “Ami and CRich” are good and they ended up on the top of the readslist. This is why I suspect that it might be pocketing. Also, she hasn’t really done anything with the Centuries and Napoleon interaction and I think based on her posts the Nap/Centuries ranking is way too harsh to the point of inconsistency.

For those of you are not familiar, Alice pockets a few people (in Community she did Leafia/App, in RM4, she tried pocketing Arete & Seth (Seth wasn’t a hard pocket tbh tho, it was more justifiable)), and shades people to turn them into LHF. Here’s what she did in RM4.


By the way, the people on the top are just wolves that she miscleared, but Arete is up there.

LHF Push

Quick change to another LHF wagon to make herself seem less agenda-y

And here’s what she’s doing here:



I’d like to repeat that Alice has played with me multiple times and I find it hard to believe that she genuinely believes that I was pushing agenda with this “RT” thing. Plus not sure if she missed this or not but I posted these before she made that post


Pocketing one I TR’ed CRich when I got more information than Alice initially did so that argument falls short.

I don’t want to make myself too subjective to conf!bias (maybe some things aren’t AI, but I do think a lot of it is), but I don’t think she did anything that is unfakable as a wolf here and I don’t think she has been warranted of a townlean knowing her skill. She did some shady things, which I tried to point out earlier, but no one followed up on it - which I’m assuming was because of my position on the thread as LHF and my OMGUS - but this slot deserves some pressure.

/vote Alice

Because you’re tucking with me


Also nap is town

hey alice

It still feels kind of signal-y. Your response here was kind of good, tbh.

Did I wake you from the wolf’s den?

Why pressure on Derps when we already have a lot of content already?

Okay nappy I’m gonna say this now


Anyways you’re town


Alice is a wolf


want more content Alice

you can never have enough.

Yeah, Mode’s posts have gotten better.

the horde thing was a RT too?

That was the rt yes

We literally had a huge argument between me/Chloe/Napoleon/Centuries.

What’s your take on those arguments?