[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)


Earlier VCA anaylsis looks really bad from Rich here

also, her behaviour has been dropping aswell

and yeah, her interactions with Leafia are yikes.

So, lets try to find the last one.

I thought you were a night kill target and tried to confirm you as such by taking the hit instead of you.

Even though I claimed Tauren, who has 1-shot DI?

Well Italy did try to fire barrier you and Napoleon was redirected to me, so that confirms my one way bus drive no?

Napoleon said he was on you
But Italy being redirected to you does confirm it, unless there was a different redirection

I just dont see why you targeted me
I wouldnt die last night no matter what

Why did you pick the second, not the first?

I was bled D1 and didn’t know if I’d get a healer on me N1.

You pick specialties before d1

You pick roles pregame? Don’t you?

That is correct. I chose it in my class card.

Eevee is asking why you chose that specialty

Let me get it straight.

In pregame you knew you are bled day 1 and didn’t know if you would get a healer?

Reword this again.


He’s a time traveler confirmed. Laughs


Also, you didn’t use day abilities yet according toy our logs. Why?

Shouldn’t we be lynching CRich instead of me at this point?

Also 2 - @Chloe

Do you know all races claims already?

Are you going to have me killed now when I can self resolve the next night?
If I kill a townie, I die as well.

Although Eevee is a good lynch as well.

Good point. I trust you for now.

i think

i dont know yours