I see you never really found a solution for a confirmable, but not meta day ability for kings to prove themselves as not being possessed. Overall I’m a big fan of the ideas, but I still consider this is decently sized possessor buff, indirectly. A king who has already slammed is free reign for a possjump.
Would you get any indication if this is successful?
I feel like if a N1 cultseen check flips BD, the heads are immediately turning towards EK. I suppose this could be abused by devious minds to frame the king as evil; but at the same time I feel like it may have the drawback of making EK kind of mechanically confirmable? You kind of already stated your opinion on this already by saying it may make BD more likely to suspect a wrong check, but I think it may have the unintended side effect of making the BD very eager to kill the king sometimes. Just my two cents though, I know you’re more experienced than me and probably thought these scenarios out already.