[Suggestion] Are you a Boy or a Girl?


What if when new players run the game for the first time, they get this question:

Are you a boy or a girl?

They select one option, if they pick boy, they get the free boy skin, if girl, the free girl skin.

Yea, its a little change, but it can make new people use the correct skin based on their gender, instead of getting it on a store.

Of course you can change it anytime in the shop!


But what if you identify as an Attack Helicopter /s


There weren’t no attack helicopters in the medieval age, they had male, female, and warhorse



As a trigender pyrofox I take offense to this suggestion!!!

To solve the issue rather plainly:

[X] Prefer male characters
[X] Prefer female characters
[X] No preference

  • That way the game gives you male or female names if you don’t pick a custom name, as well as whatever else it’d be useful for.
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Yeah, the “get a female skin for free in the store” solution that we have right now is slightly awkward.

What if we just had a robot skin? That would solve the problem

…somehow I feel like that wouldn’t really fit ToL…

what about a reaper-esque skeleton skin

skeletons have no junk, the reaperyness fits with the theme, and who wouldn’t want to be a hecking cool skeleton?

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None of those make sense as a default skin, though, given the game’s medieval theme.

TBH we need a genderless “Peasant” skin in a brown, dung-soiled cloak. Because new people being peasants is savage and hilarious.