The difference is that one of them is you and the other is a good leader candidate.
We both need the white stuff to be made.
Cheese women dont exist.
Well duh cheese is genderless.
You won’t be yelled for talking about the white stuff in cheese
In my school you get yelled it if you don’t talk about cum.
But the white stuff in cheese isn’t cum.
Yeah but we get yelled at if we do that.
You get yelled at for talking about something white that isnt cum?
Our teacher is a vegan so if we talk about animal products we can already plan your/our suicide.
Talks about animal products.
I truly hope she doesn’t have a camera in my room.
I am your teacher.
Miss cum dumpster??
you must die now cuz why not
Nah m8 im sick we/I gotta do it some other day.
Thats not an excuse reee
It is in school.
This aint school
Well this forum teaches us about our own stupidity sooo it passes as a school to me mrs cum dumpster.