Team Mafia Again

also @an_gorta_pratai what is your mafiauniverse acc?


ive got irl and im juggling some stuff rn

thanks for asking though


i’ll submit the team as soon as @an_gorta_pratai tells me what his mafiauniverse acc is called

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same name

ok team submitted

wish us luck


I think we can handle it. I haven’t played over there, so I am a wildcard. You are a decent player and Derps can be a good player. I assume coaching is also allowed?

I think we can discuss things at night

not sure about during the day, I can ask.

You can discuss stuff

Copy-pasting is discouraged iirc but nobody would actually enforce it probs

it would be funny if our teams all rolled mafia

N is looking to join team

@an_gorta_pratai @SirDerpsAlot you fine with this?

I am so I just need one of you to say yes so that we have maj and can add him


counting that as a yes

Idrc who’s in the team as long as it’s not like someone who’s gonna get us modkilled for being toxic


When does team mafia start again

the 15th iirc

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gonna make a team wheee

Oh god why

There’s already so many

Over 80 players thus far lmao