Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

Also, if I were scum that got roleblocked, would I actually claim roleblocked?


Slept peacefully.

Seriously No on was attacked???


Okay, Night 1 might have been them deciding not to do anything.
But now.
The only logical explanation is that the Black Rose is just converting people instead of killing them.

The black rose can only have 1 converted at a time… Plus there would be a cooldown, unless you are talking about the cult of course :3

True but it still doesn’t explain why there aren’t any attacks.

There is still the Neutral Killer.

Reaper? Or the neutral is just lying in wait?

If the Neutral is the Achemist then that would make sense.
After all he only has two poisons.

I slept Peacefully as well. hmm this is kinda strange…

You think? I guess the Neutral might just be lying in wait but it still doesn’t explain the others.

But alchemist isn’t neutral killing…

Oh. Guess the existence of poison must have confused me.

That makes things more complicated.

Cult can convert every two night, so I’m more concerned about that.

I really want a lynch today for that reason.

No kills for 2 nights?
Gee golly gee i wonder who’s the neutral killer!!

Post edit:
Slept peacefully btw

If the cult/br AND the Neutral Killer both decided to not kill for two nights then I’m sorry but that ain’t sneaky that is just kinda dumb. The only reason not killing could benefit them is if they are Cult with a Seeker who is finding the best ppl to kill but even then I can’t see why you wouldn’t kill.

I am fairly sure they hit an immune Neutral or something who is hiding, or the Killers were roleblocked.

There is that.

We also need to know if there is a Reaper.

(post withdrawn by Jordarrian, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

jord or schultz are NK or mafia, coz nobody else was pushing a lynch, they prolly got angry that again hit immune guy or someone who was healed or protected

##I require a replacement for Wildraven as he has been banned from this forum

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