Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

I actually misread it, sorry.

He was using the screenshots to explain why you would be a good policy lynch, not to make you look bad. I see nothing childish about that.

I’m leaning more towards Raven being very… aggressive BD than scum, but a policy lynch may be a good idea to get info from his flip and take out someone who could do more harm to BD than good regardless of alignement. Then again, Orange also has a point, so I won’t vote until this has been discussed further.

“may be a good idea to get info from his flip”

hey, what about lynching suddenlyANerd and getting info from his flip?

Wild why do you get so overly defensive like that

becauses this is a crap argument. and it would be funny if a guy who wants to lynch a random guy just for an info was lynched… just for an info :slight_smile: I’d love that irony of fate.

It’s better than nolynching. besides, i don’t like your reactions to this

I respect your opinion, but we have 12 other players. let them speak

I already have. Honestly, lynching WR today would be a mistake.

Guys =.= please keep this drama free, or I’ll have to get out the chainsaw



Just so you know the “chainsaw” is my modified version of a banhammer :wink:

Wild what did i do to make u think I hate u ;n;

Also, ok someone was attacked nice to FINALLY KNOW

I am sure Jord has some screenshoots of it

well that sure clarified whatever it was (◕ᴗ◕✿)

just stop it dude…

I’m seeing some breakage of rule 1
Stop it now

stop what? :expressionless: you’ve started it, tried to humiliate me, posted some screenshoots and now I musn’t talk about it?

Wildraven if you want it to pass let it go. not keep talking about it so more people know

Humiliate? That’s not what I was doing. I was trying to prove why it would be best to lynch you today, and you’re the one taking things out of context.

Jordarrian and wildraven both of you end this right now. jammy is gonna become a mod now and unless you stop she will have reason to take action before I will