Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

@Schultz Haha, please don’t make me laugh, though that is a real possibility, though no one has died yet so we shouldn’t jump to anything like that right now.

You’ve missed his point

@orangeandblack5 Nope, I didn’t miss any point, I hear him, but we’ll get to that if/when we cross that line.
We will put all possibilities and throw them at the wall to see what sticks.

I see people are very active in this game. Cool.
I don’t get it - why would you sign up for a game you don’t have time for?

I mean, you did have us thinking your soul had been reaped.

Also, silence is a tactic.

everyone has talked so no reaper

I have to agree, Reaper is crossed out as a possibility.

what I believe happened last night is cult converted/assassin got poison. and a possessed attacked raven but he survived how I don’t know

That seems likely

So, what’r we supposed to do about it?

Well if we think about it: The only roles that are night immune are the Priest (Only once) and Mastermind and since we most likely have a cult that’s unlikely. Or there is another way Raven could’ve survived: A healer, but it’s a 1/15 chance that he would get healed

it’s possible that physician or almost could of healed him

@Queen_Alfa Don’t forget it could have also been a Mercenary that used Stand Guard. This is a possibility…but not certain we have one.

Wait wait wait wait.
We all have been talking like Reaper has a 0% possibility of existence, but what’s the interaction between reaper’s attack and a night immune target?

Post edit: I asked ruby via discord, the target survives, SO WHY IS REAPER CROSSED OUT AS A POSSIBILITY?

2 hours remain in the day

good point yau its back to 50/50

What is our current vote count?

I’m strongly against a Raven lynch today.

It is now Night 2

##Please note, Night Actions sent during the day will not be accepted

#Day 3 will begin at roughly 13:30 GMT 09/02