Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

My apologies if I’ve been quiet, I read the thread, I just often can’t think of any way to contribute. If anyone wants to ask me any questions about the game/my thoughts on events or players to give me specific things to focus on and look into, it’d be much appreciated.

Nothing wrong with sitting back. These guys want others to talk so they can scumread you, thats all really.

Not with that attitude.

/vote Queen_Alfa

Eh? What reasonable base do you have to vote me?

Why Alfa, orange?

Yes. What I’m more curious about is our quiet king. Why don’t he do anything?

Can we vote our king?

I ask you for your reads and you say “you seem pro-Town”. That was an awful response in every way, and is exactly what somebody evil trying to sheep me would do.

I’ll go with orange on this, Alfa called me out too.

/vote Queen_Alfa

-shrugs- I’m not a mind reader, I can’t be right all the time. Also, it’s quite obvious that you are probably pro-town. Since your investigation and the way you are looking around chat, of course I said “seem” you could be a evil class slipping under us after all, this early in the game we still cannot tell :3

Also Cbman, in the moment I thought it was weird that you pointed only Anthony when other players haven’t talked yet. But know I see that I was just being an idiot and you were only pointing out the obvious and how the fact that an active talking like Anthony it is strange that he haven’t talked yet, please forgive my random splurge, I also didn’t notice that the day have been going on for a while, that slipped my mind

/unvote Queen_Alfa

Cb, now you are just being flippant.

You vote Alfa as soon as orange give a decent reason too by adding your own whine that she calls you out, but you instantly unvote when She make a decent reply instead of pushing.

I think what you want to do here is to push for a mislynch, but you are too scared for yourself to involve yourself in a debate.

/Vote cbman

Either way, I think we can all safely assume that Anthony has been reaped. So reaper is pretty much confirmed.

No objection there.

/vote Cbman

I can get behind this. We’re not nolynching today.

So, you are lynching me because I am unwilling to lynch anyone? I think it’s a terrible idea, and I suspect both of you are plotting together.

That, or you are really insistant on killing someone.

Of course. No lynch is bad for BD in general as it give more time for the Cult to recruit. Tonight, the Cult Leader is able to convert once more. Do you really think a no lynch is good?

I’m also very insistent to lynch you, the one who sheep on a wagon, but very afraid to give a good reasoning himself.

@anon98616575 @Queen_Alfa what are you guys talking about? , I have Talked before this. it’s only been a day, plus I’ve been a bit busy as of late I apologize. Also I’m not sure what I can add to this conversation, I have no basis for any lead’s to much, it’s a lot of speculation, how ever I would like to know has any one else been whispered to? I will say I was from the very start of all of this.(of course only special classes in this play can.)

I was whispered as well. Wait, if Anthony isn’t reaped, what happened to Neutral Killer last night?

Is some one trying to do mind games here? also what if there isn’t a neutral killer to begin with? I know we should consider all possibilities but perhaps there isn’t one, which is a possibility.