Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

Your opinion after not reading other people’s posts?

I’ll admit that was a bad play.

It wouldn’t be the first time a player posts without reading.

I’m not saying it is, I’m saying I expect you to play smarter than that.

So, now that you have (presumably) read their comments in particular, what do you think of Alfa and CB?

I’ll put my 2 cents in, Alfa seems to be a poor choice to lynch as she only seems to want to push this all along as such as me, I can’t talk for alfa as i don’t if she has anymore info than I do, but I have to say I have little to go by, and probably most of us, but shouldn’t we try to identify what faction we are dealing with? It seems it might be the Cult but then again, we have no identification of who is who, and none of us knows what class we are except are king so… So I’ll start with a SoftClaim to my self, I’m a Soft class to play.

ALso Schultz has just soft claimed a 2nd time that he isn’t a Investigative type so there is also that. I would imagine he would investigate all no lyncher’s and found info by now if he was. Which I’m assuming he isn’t one for sure or wouldn’t be trying to push the person that is the investigative type to do so what he would do.

This message is directed to the person whom is the Investigative, Look and find other’s you think are suspicious to you and what they say, even if you don’t have solid evidence that you should, you should then just go with your gut feeling, and just try poking around you never know what you might find.

Wait… Have everyone talked yet?

Fade hasn’t spoke as of yet?

With cb gone, I have no more clue on what to do.

We can honestly just push him anyways and spare Jammy finding a replacement

Please what is the fun in that…

That is literally less than no reason to not do something

@orangeandblack5 Have you not seen the better start, as with Fade that hasn’t talked yet, it’s odd for a periodically active user to just suddenly not say anything hmmm?

Just think on it…

Have you voted Fade yet?

I rest my case.

Maybe Fade was reaped?

Can the main Investigator class pls investigate me to confirm that I am legit Blue Dragon not the Fool or Evil.

If we keep wanting to lynch purely based on some ppl’s scumreads I am gonna say now that unless they are clearly 100% shady, I am always gonna go No Lynch as chances are it will just be a mislynch.

Especially seeing as we seem pretty “mixed ability” :wink: and if the evils are good they can probably just hide and act town anyway.

As I suggested earlier if you would scroll up a bit, I didn’t think it was a bad idea for some provable townie to out, so we could at least start getting somewhere based on evidence and a proven townie. Watcher and Protective roles could have easily protected one guy anyway.

However, it is too late for that now so I reckon we have to no lynch again, and if we have no leads again tomorrow, one person should out so we can actually start getting somewhere - instead of some random ppl calling for mislynches.

How long do we have of today anyway?

unvote nolynch

vote nolynch

To emphasise my position :stuck_out_tongue:

@orangeandblack5 you have no case, so you can’t rest one, I’m just pointing out something that is obvious, Yes @Damafaud It is possible he could of been reaped as he hasn’t spoke since day 3 started yes?
Me and @Queen_Alfa have agreed that it is possible that @FadeBlade could have been Reaped last night, as he hasn’t even said hi or anything, he always says something just as me. Just like cbman before hand thought since I didn’t talk much. but now it’s getting close to the next night and we have nothing, so we start here with Fade, is he already dead? and we just didn’t know? He hasn’t talked once this entire day. so something smell’s.