Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

Clearly they have actually all been reaped and I am the only one left alive.

Slept peacefully. I wonder what the purpose of all this whispering is.

-shrugs- I still have no lead, and I slept peacefully of course

So I think we can safety assume Jodarrian is clear.

I personally have no answers at the moment, I’ll look back to yesterday to see if I can find anything suspicious.

Also, @JammySplodge, I think the reason people are dipping in frequency is due to the length of the game so far. I mean, it’s been about 3 weeks.

Lastly, the Alchemist is an idiot or has already sided with the evil.


Aaargh quoting bad


ya duck (─‿‿─)

Oh lol

Jord may not be 100% cleared… Remember? Mastermind will come up as inno for the first 3 nights…

Forgot about that. Rip Jordiaans inno.

We finally have information.

I suggest we have someone look into Jord.

Until then, we should look into who Schultz found suspicious.

I Slept Peacefully as well. also remember Jord was also cleared at the time when Fade was already dead, so as of right now Jord is cleared at the time. later on maybe not depends on how things go.

Jord will still be inno tonight if he’s Mastermind.

And the person who killed Schultz probably wanted the person who Schultz suspected to look suspicious.

Or not, and the person got worried.

Either this Alchemist is great or just bad smh

I do not think so.

The Alchemist is a Nuetral. He only needs to survive.

There was no reason for him or her to kill Schultz.

The only logical reason I can think of is that the Alchemist grew bored with the no kills and decided to kill someone at random to speed things up.

I have 3 ideas:

1: They wanted to kill Schultz so they wouldn’t continue being under fire. (to survive)
2: He sided with evil (to survive?)
3: They were bored (what are you doing, man?! D: )

Or four.


We now that Jord was innocent when Schultz investiagated him.

Now all we need is for someone to investigate him again.

you mean again first Fade’s and now Schultz. is Jord suspicious or something? Seems a bit odd that two dead people looked into jord, and that’s as far they got.

That is indeed odd.

But nevertheless Jord is our only lead.

There must be a reason why two people checked him.

I would if I could, but I don’t have that kind of ability

Even if you did Anthony, you wouldn’t say so.

We all know this.