Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

at least you’re better than some people that seem to have access 0% of the time

My bird tells me Xerxes didn’t leave his room again last night and no deaths again. Just putting that out there.

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The fact the Black Rose faction has not taken advantage of the mass claim to at least attempt to kill one of you is very … disturbing as is the fact this is the fifth night with no Black Rose kill.

That might be a clue. I suggest we look into the AFK players.

The same ones Lord Jammy is complaining of.

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/Vote Dooku

He has’nt talked at all so YOLO

Look. Up. At. The. OP.
You. Numbskull.


/Unvote dead player cuz i am moron

Laughs out loud.

“It are Day 5.”


Lord Jammy your grammatical etiquette continues to astonish me.

So who hasn’t spoken at all over the course of the game?

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I was occupied by some one so there is that.

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Donald Trump didn’t need grammar to become President
I don’t need it to mod FoL

to be fair, majority of the US spoke so it was meant to be(since large states couldn’t overturn the result just because of California… which has the most. and is usually always democrat anyways.)

anyway’s back on topic, at hand so alfa was the mastermind, lolz and a priest died, so much for that.

I’m down to killing deadfrien, Jordarrian, or our sheep king SuddenlyANerd

Sleeping peacefully, but we really have a Roleblocker. Maybe Wizard?

(I’m going to replace in to whoever needs it, idc if I’m dead, fite me Jammy.)

Isn’t Jordarrian confirmed BD?

Assuming Jord and myself are BD, that means we have three other neutrals, 2 other BD, and the Assassin.

I also assume someone was converted, and since none of the neutrals (except the Mercenary) can be converted, I’m assuming that one of the BD was converted. Since we still got a death message, I’ll assume the Physician is alive, and that the Butler was converted.

So that means 3 neutrals, 2 BR, and the unconfirmed Physician.

The ones completely unconfirmed (at least as I looked through), are @Xerxes, @yauaustin202, @orangeandblack5, @moonbird, @PolikShadowbliss, and @Anthony_Python. And @Jordarrian as a Blue Dragon. Any of you can correct me if I’m wrong.
They could be:
Neutral Killing
Random Neutral
Butler (or some other BD)

And Jord as an unknown BD.

I think it’s necessary at this point to execute someone. We have a 3/6 chance to kill a Black Rose or NK, and 3/6 to kill the Alchemist, Physician, or the 3rd Neutral.

If the 3rd neutral is a Mercenary, though, and was converted, that means the Butler is still BD. Still the 3/6+3/6 chances.

Of course, if I’m BR, then 2 of them are evil, while the other 4 are good/neutral.

If @suddenlyANerd is BR, then that means the BR couldn’t convert, then it’s again 2 evils and 4 good/neutral

So if the King or myself is BR, then random executing between those 6 isn’t a great idea, but if both me and King are BD, it isn’t much better, but it’s still considerably better, so we should take the chance.

My list (fix if needed):
Xerxes - Alive
yauaustin202 - Alive
orangeandblack5 - Alive
moonbird - Alive
PolikShadowbliss - Alive
Anthony_Python - Alive

King = suddenlyANerd - Alive
Mastermind = Queen Alfa - Dead
Assassin = ???
Prince = Damafaud - Alive
Sheriff = FadeBlade - Dead = Sherrif
Blue Dragon Support = ??? = Physician
Blue Dragon Investigator = Schultz - Dead = Princess
Random Blue Dragon = deadfrien - Alive = Knight
Random Blue Dragon = Jordarrian - Alive = ???
Random Blue Dragon = ??? = Butler
Random Blue Dragon = Hippolytus - Alive = Observer
Random Blue Dragon = Dooku - Dead = Priest
Neutral Killer = ???
Neutral Non-Killer = ??? = Alchemist
Random Neutral = ???

Butler, please whisper one of the Blue Dragon. Just know that the Butler MIGHT be a Servant, so again, take it with a grain of salt.
If the Butler is still BD, that means it’s a 60%< chance the King is BR, since the Mercenary has a 1 in 3 chance of being in game, AND being converted. So Butler, please use Poison Wine.

Take all of this with a grain of salt, this is just my analysis of the situation. Feel free to accuse me, I apologize for my silence for large parts of the game.

Everyone claim please.
If King is BD, executing is a good idea.
If Butler is still BD, using Poison Wine would be a good idea.
I am Knight.

Thank you for your time.

I’m a Random Neutral.

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To be honest, Yau and orange has given their claim to me and I kind of believe both of them. I’m trusting Polik for now as Butler convinced me so.

Anthony, Xerxes, and moonbird, I have no information about them along with our king.

That’s Empress Jammy, thank you very much

Yeah butler kill our king I would to confirm you.

deadfrien you didn’t protect the prince last night?

Only one person visited Prince Damafaud, who i assume was the Physisican.

I called it. Persians always evil.

/Vote Xerxes seeing as he didnt visit again last night and no kills and his visits line up with kills exactly.

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