Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]


found it funny that you thought I was to be lynched, lolz nice try mate but that wouldn’t be a good thing me being the fool in all. how bizarre it would be if you died earlier though would have made this game more interesting to say the least…

I’m looking forward to the second game of Test of Lies

Oh, can I post my rolecard now @JammySplodge since the games over because I like to show something to Mole and yau?

you weren’t in this one

I meant the one just finsished >.>

Wrong one…

Cheeky throwback to first ever FoL game which happened this time last year, when unseen were still called black rose, a ton of people were thought to be afk due to reaper, and half of the players have disappeared for ever. I was just a babby hippo. Also the first person we executed was the sheriff #proplays.

Nice to see how far FoL and it’s playerbase has evolved, mainly thanks to the fantastic FoL team.