The Alice Alignment Push Test

(for future reference Marshal I could be wrong but I think the issue is that you were forgetting to click “Save Changes” at the bottom after unmuting him)

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i feel like i would have known to do that but honestly after CCing leafia i wouldn’t put it past me


there is no save changes button that I’m seeing

are you making changes

I muted marshal indefinitely
and then reloaded
and then unmuted


I had a “Save Changes” button and I had to click it in order to save the change

yeah i dont have a save changes

maybe it only shows up if you’re a mod messing with someone else’s settings

@Marshal i made like 3 dad jokes
how is that annoying
it wasn’t even like

i was tryna read thread, originally i blocked u but then couldnt iso u when i did so i put you on mute to not get notificatons

was just tryna have a cleared picture of thread when reading, didnt feel like i needed the catting

4 dad jokes and a thanos quote

The best way to maximize scum winrate as town is to use the influence of moderation in order to justify banning players until the host runs out of subs and they need to start modkilling people

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Wolfing bc it assumes too hard the push is a wolf

Mislynching because it looks like you’re trying to coordinate the town to do something useful. I know this could also be wolfing to coordinate the town, but I wouldn’t see why you would go out of your way to push a random LFH if the town is slacking.

Wolfing because it sounds shaky af

Knowing this was a V flip, I would say wolfing because of the confidence on the fact the guy was TMIng.

Mislynching. Looks like you’re lynching by who is the least townie rather than who is scummier.

Mislynching. This is a read I would make as a villa.

Looks a bit too townbashing to be town. I would say wolf.

Mislynching. You’re making wagons based on evidence. Hard to tell, tbh. I think that too few context.

Wolfing. You’re trying to force a claim. Unless you wouldn’t be available at EOD.

Wolfing. Looks like you’re covering your sorry ass with excuses.

Who are “they”?

I can’t interpret this. Null.

You’re trying to pre-conceive opinions when people are going to analyse the post by the emphasis put in the opinion it is performative. Wolfing.

That’s a lot of evidence for a lot less conviction than former posts. Mislynching.

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but what if wolves sub out

sub in on your illegal alt

that’s why you just get admin privs to see private messages

or ask your good friend dragma to sub in

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Are you readable by confidence? In some post I tagged as scum you sound absolutely sure of what you’re talking about. In others you built your case from several angles to suggest something that might be true.

unleash hippo alts on the setup

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