The Alice Alignment Push Test

town or mafia "katze makes reads for most of these" edition


still pushing Y blindly; if X is really town here I really don’t believe they’d so blindly tunnel somebody without even trying to justify it, but there’s no rhyme or reason, just aggressive tunneling

if X was really [role] pushing on Y D2, why wouldn’t X cop them? and if they did, they’ve already revealed they have a greencheck…


just wondered if you were like me or not, since that’s the kind of thing id subtly try to hint at in a way that if i brought it up later people would be less likely to assume that i made that up on the spot in order to back off safely. but since you didn’t i’m a bit concerned this is just a pocket attempt


like right now this is developing into a full on scumread in my head because i just don’t see why the fuck a villager would like that readlist

im not proud of this read but it at the moment it kind of feels right?


im pretty sure X is wolfing already

this is actually a serious read


i don’t think assuming Y was killed by a town vig is unreasonable at all, because it seems to be somewhat consensus that Y was a ??? kill for wolves to make - if X is a villager why would she assume the kill was by a wolf vig? like, if she’s a wolf you’re probably right here but you’re disregarding the villager perspective here

like, this entire case can easily just be explained by “X is a villager who believes Y was killed by a town vig”

ironically i think the fact that Z basically suicided as vig would be slightly indicative of X not having TMI on them being the vig because of how hard they’re hammering this point here but that’s probably a level -1 thought


X pondering over that for the entire game is both probably not W/W and is also independently wolfy

Z/X/Y all free pelts


mrrr this looks kinda bologna

i was gonna say “okay but she typoed so they were actually probably tired” but then i realized that the fact im going this far means that i am probably pocketed to some extent regardless of their alignment


im flip flopping a bit on X, but i’m leaning towards them being a villager because I think wolf!X would be a bit more scared of me. still think their thought process initially was weird, but that discussion is over


the fact nobody has directly commented to that post makes me think the thread is ~mostly villagers right now

its an easy post to reply to and pretend you’re contributing


X and Y probably both villagers, feel more strongly about the former but i generally find the excessive antagonistic posting, especially after being yelled at, to be village indicative

realistically Z is exactly rand and you can disregard the earlier read i made


i feel like X getting… a lot of flak for those posts

i can’t tell if it’s a natural amount

because i additionally don’t like the posts

i think the town:scum ratio is too towny for me to make a threadread like this though, so i don’t know why my brain is trying to do it

if it wasnt clear i agree with these posts


no its all in your wolfrange

so my theory is that you’re deliberately playing in your wolfrange


like im reading your ISO

and your reads are fluctuating more than the stock market did in 2008


im forcibly vetoing any towncore with X, Y, or Z in it

id be unsurprised if all 3 of them were non-town tbh


actually your last few messages feel like they’re leaning towards you not finishing reading so ill just ask this now

why are you a villager?

this is a boring question but like, i’m struggling to see it

now starring 15 posts

will grade your answers later

(some of these are slightly edited as to make it harder to identify the game via typing style/game identifying info)


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Seth is always wolfing regardless of alignment

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I remember what game this is from :flushed:












18 Jane posts from 8 different games


Why does this feel like you’re trying to imitate that thing where you question X about how they handle your slot?

Hmm… eh, probably confirmation bias…


I wasn’t defending him, I was trying to see whether your NE read on him came from TMI. And my push on you is on the basis that you weren’t scumhunting, and that I believe there’s at least 1 scum in X/Y/You.

X and Y still haven’t given much content, so if they don’t do that soon, I’ll probably switch my push to one or both of them.

I’m not going to bother asking why, because I doubt I’ll get a coherent explanation from you either.

Honestly, just fuck off.

I think the most likely convert is X, I don’t see anyone converting Y or Z tbh.
While his D1/D2 wasn’t exactly good, I think he was still in his townmeta back then.


Which of the following scenarios do you think is more likely:

a) X is a Villager, and Mafia attacked Y because they did not believe X’s claim.

b) X is a Wolf, and Mafia attacked Y despite X claiming some-kind-of-protective on Y. Either Z did the factional and was blocked or the factional was healed by an unclaimed protective.

c) Z, the slot who has been townlocked for shitty reasons I still don’t understand performed the factional and was blocked.

I know that b and c can realistically be the same world, but can people drop the fucking shield on Z already!?

The VC is basically fucked (As in: We’re not going to be able to lynch today unless a miracle happens) and the day ends in 37 minutes.

Not sure if I’ll be back before EoD, so I’ll have to write this on phone.

Main difference between X’ scumgame on MC here is that on Mc they were trying to deflect suspicion/pressure on them onto other people.

Here they’re bringing more attention to themselves: “If you think I’m scum then case” repeatedly even though nobody was really pressuring them.

I’ll explain the other points when I’m on PC, although that may have to wait until D4.

@X @Y

Can we just delay this mech argument until everyone has been in threat and either confirms or denies involvement in it?

Right now it’s just pure speculation and it’s delaying the thread.

“delaying the thread” was supposed to be “derailing the thread” but that was probably obvious

I don’t think X is groupscum because of Y being groupscum, I just think X is individually scummy.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to assume Cult will be completely gone by D4, but it would be Nice™.

Anyway, I don’t really think I have anything else to say?

X still seems like they’re trying to solve, and didn’t have any big changes in tone nor in reads/activity, so they’re probably still town.

They haven’t really stood on the sidelines of any argument that happened in thread, and always tried to get something out of it.

I also think that them refusing to claim and saying that “it gives out info” when they haven’t been able to use any actions is fairly V!Indactive for them.

Besides, they are at worst a convert, so they should never be the lynch today, especially with Y existing.

The only people who are in the PoE and could’ve healed you are @X and @Y did either of you heal Z?

We’re not pushing inactives.

We’re going through the PoE.

A PoE which you’re not even trying to get out of.


I think (X’s replacement) has been slightly villagery. Not enough for them to be out of my PoE, but definitely better than X.

Y hasn’t posted in forever which is very worrying.

I feel comfortable enough with Z’s slot to put them in my Core.

V is still a villager.

W is still pure PoE.

Hmm… I’m not sure that’s super AI for X.

I vaguely remember them having faked that before, but I might be misremembering. I’ve definitely seen other people convincingly fake it.


Can you link it?

I can’t really make long explanations right now, because I have to use my phone’s mobile data due to a blackout

I’ve reavaluated on my X scumread, my main read on them was because of their D1 posts. I like the explanation he provided in regards to the “Y agenda”.
@X if you really want to bounty in me/Z please just bounty me, because it’ll be wasted on Z.

I think V said something about not wanting to post long ISOs, but you don’t have to do that. I really want your reads or gut feelings to analyse if you’re scum or town.

W has been typing for a while so I hope that readslist is coming soon.

Still think Q is scum, but that might change depending on what V/W do.

I’ll reread other ISOs right now, but won’t be able to actually ISO them.

X is encouraging people to post more, and his reads are on the same page as mine.
He’s a townlean for me.

Y hasn’t done anything townie yet, hopefully he will later.
Scumleaning him until he actually does something.

I’m sorry if you were expecting a wallpost, I’m just really not in the mood for one right now.

X confuses me.

I’ll probably just sheep Y on them.

Your “logic” just doesn’t make any fucking sense.

Good luckze @katze

I didn’t forget to edit out the names this time


Ah yes, can’t forget that one

(or anyone else who wants to try)

  1. Mafnya
  2. Town
  3. Mafnya
  4. Mafnya
  5. Mafnya
  6. Town
  7. Town?
  8. Mafnya
  9. Town
  10. Mafnya
  11. Town
  12. Mafnya
  13. Mafnya
  14. Town
  15. Mafnya
  16. Mafnya
  17. Town
  18. Mafnya


  1. W
  2. V
  3. V
  4. W
  5. W
  6. V
  7. V - unconfident
  8. W - unconfident
  9. W
  10. V - unconfident
  11. W
  12. V
  13. V
  14. V
  15. V
  16. W
  17. V
  18. V

@Jane this makes me realize i really havent played many forum games with you

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Also 6/18

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nobody did mine :frowning:

  1. Town - Self-Questioning feels townie from you.
  2. Wolf - “Not defending” feels scummy from you.
  3. Town - Town anger goes brrr
  4. Wolf - Feels more like wolfy shading than anything else or bussing maybe?
  5. Town - Ending feels very townie
  6. Town - I doubt wolf points out the VC being messed up like this
  7. Wolf - You brought up other games, I have literally never seen you do this before, but I have no idea so wolf goes brrr
  8. Town - wow I wonder where this is from
  9. Wolf - For some reason the sly comment in the centre makes me think you’re wolf
  10. Wolf - Convert chatter, pretty sure it’s the same game as 4
  11. Town - no idea lmao, guessing goes brrr
  12. Wolf - not pushing inactives ayy? Guessing goes brrr again
  13. Town - The amount of people you’re bringing up in one post is dumb to read but makes me think you’re good
  14. Wolf - I’ve noticed a pattern with the “misremembering” thing, it seems to always come from wolves, then again this is wide meta lmao.
  15. Wolf - Honestly, no clue, guessing time.
  16. Town - Feels like this is the game where Sulit just consistently encouraged people to play and I think you played in that and was Town?
  17. Town - I recognise the game so, brrr.
  18. Wolf - idfk, guessing.
  1. Wolf
  2. Wolf
  3. Town
  4. Wolf
  5. Town
  6. Town
  7. Wolf
  8. Town

where’s yours


I’d certainly wish the arrow worked.

scroll up a few posts then
