The Bishop
Blue Dragon Support
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to elect you King count twice.
Service (Night) - Select 2 players, and perform the ability of the first on the second. You will only get “worked” or “didn’t work” as feedback.
Doesn’t work on abilities whose feedback can’t be translated to “true” or “false”.
So for example if you use Surveille on Alcoholic, it says “worked”. Surveille on Blue Dragon will inform you that it “didn’t work”.
But if you try to use Flirt or Follow, it always says “didn’t work”, because there are more than 2 possible results.
It would work with Wisp or Window Peek though.
Using “Heal” will say “worked” if the target was healed from attack or bleed, and “didn’t work” otherwise.
Using “Assassinate” would say “worked” unless the targe was immune to death, then it would say “didn’t work”.