The Cabal(A Third Antagonist Faction)

This is the colour :stuck_out_tongue:

The Conspirator

Cabal Special
Shadowstep(Passive) - You are immune to death at night
Careful Consideration(Day) - Choose a Cabal class (Not the Traitor) - Can be changed during day like Prince jailee - Infinite Uses
Persuade(Night) - Convert a player into your chosen class, here can’t be more than one of the same class alive at once - 1 Day Cooldown - Infinite Uses
Retrain(Night) - Occupy a Cabal player to change their class - Infinite Uses

The Traitor

Cabal Killer
Mark(Day) - Mark a player for death - 3 uses
Bump Off(Night) - Kill a player, if they survive you will kill the marked player, if they also survive then it sucks to be you - Infinite uses

The Brute

Cabal Offensive
Menacing Aura(Passive) - Immune to occupation
Roar(Day) - Roar at a player causing them to lose a use of their day ability - 3 uses
KO Punch(Night) - Knock a player unconscious, occupying them - Infinite uses
Martyrdom(Night) - Kill yourself and a target player - 1 use

The Quack

Cabal Support
Face Transplant(Day) - Target 2 people to swap any investigations results tonight - 3 uses
Malpractice(Night) - Prevent a player from dying tonight(doesn’t heal from Martyrdom) - Infinite uses
Martyrdom(Night) - Kill yourself and a target player - 1 use

The Gossip

Cabal Social
Credible Sources(Passive) - You hear the first whisper every day
Spread Rumours(Day) - Whisper anonymously to anyone - Infinite Uses
Martyrdom(Night) - Kill yourself and a target player - 1 use

The Informant

Cabal Investigative
Sneak(Day) - Discover a player’s class type - 3 uses
Trace(Night) - Discover who visited a player and who they visited - Infinite Uses
Martyrdom(Night) - Kill yourself and a target player - 1 use

The Cabal start with The Conspirator and The Traitor

When the Cabal appear, it’s up to the Detective to put an end to their villiany

The Detective

Blue Dragon Investigative
Snoop(Night) - Investigate a player’s room, discovering whether they are a member of The Cabal - Infinite Uses
Tail(Night) - Follow a player, if they are a Cabal member they will be occupied, if they aren’t they become immune to all Cabal abilities tonight

#Important Notes:
If the Conspirator dies, the oldest Cabal member will replace them.
If the Traitor dies, they’re dead for good

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Sick famalam :thumbsup: you should try add it to one FoL

Damn it Jammy, you beat me to it.

You should create a thread where people can create their own Factions and their respective conversions.

Sounds good, but if I’m understanding this right the Conspirator can change class every day?
And he can also choose what class to convert a player into, in addition to changing an already-converted player’s class at will?

That seems a bit too powerful to me.

Also, you didn’t seem to mention if there is a size limit for the Green Dagger?
If they can grow without end then once again, that seems a bit too powerful to me.

I like the Martyrdom skill, but maybe restrict the ability to 1-2 classes instead of nearly all (4/6)?
In Addition to the size limit, you could just recruit people and then mass-kill the others using that skill.

I imagine the limit would be 3

If the kill fails, does the martyred player still die?

At the current state of the GD, I think that’d be fair. Maybe the immune player would just be occupied.

I would assume ‘yes’, I think in theory that work like cult trying to attack someone by sacrificing their cult member but non-cult didn’t die probably works the same.

That reminds me, we should test that theory in Alpha stage.



also I’m gonna be making improvements to this

like the name for instance

That green lime color… :o

DAMN IT SNEK. You revived dis topic.

actually I did

Faction has been renamed to the Cabal, more changes may follow

Renamed The Reporter to The Gossip and made The Detective

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@JammySplodge how do you color the text?

Trade Secret man,

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I’m feeling generous.

Here’s a hint:

There’s a thread about it. Find it.


I like this faction quite a lot.
Seems well balanced too.
Maybe this should be tested in FoL

I think Ruby’s going to do it after The Brotherhood SFoL

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