The Dancer/The tempter(BD Investigative/Unseen Social)

The Dancer - BD Investigative

(No Passives)

(Day ability)

Distraction(2 charges) - Prevent a player for voting and using day ability today

(Night ability)

Pairing(Inf Charges) - Choose two player,If they are the same class type.You will get notified.
[Special class type will show as investigative class type instead]

Orb of Memory(2 charges) - Choose one death player,you will earn his notification of the night he died.

After Conversion

The Tempter - Unseen Social

(No Passives)

(Day Ability)

Distraction(2 charges) - Prevent a player for voting and using day ability today

(Night Ability)

Covering(3 Charges) - Change one of the unseen member’s class type to what you have chosen for tonight and make investigative ability target torwards him show as NS.

Cajole(1 Charge) - Frame one of the non unseen player and change his class type to what you have chosen.
[Will not remove this frame until either Tempter died or become assassin]

Please don’t blame my English being bad,I spent time on thinking how to make sentence more then i spent time making this,lol.

Edits 1.1 - Changed cajole’s charges
Edits 1.2 - Fixed framed

1 Like

I’ll (try) and fix it for you! I’ll change the formatting to the most commonly used one as well.

The Dancer

Blue Dragon Investigative
Distraction (Day) - Prevent a player from voting and using day abilities today. - 2 uses
Pairing (Night) - Choose a first and a second player. You will learn if they are the same class type. Special classes will be considered investigative. - Infinite uses
Orb of Memory (Night) - Target a dead player. You will receive all feedback they received the night they died. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Tempter

Unseen Social
Distraction (Day) - Target player is prevented from voting and using day abilities today. - 2 uses
Covering (Night) - Change target Unseen’s class type shown to investigatives. They will appear as a member of the Blue Dragon. - 3 uses
Cajole (Night) - Change target non-Unseen’s class type shown to investigatives. This persists until the Tempter becomes assassin or dies. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Covering won’t persists until tempter died(or become assassin),it just have one also apply an frame effect.

Thanks for correcting my bad English tho

So a worse maid?

ToL wise, it’s not a worse maid. But it depends on whether you can get both claims out.
If you get a match that is. If you don’t it’s really… out there in the bushes.

I like the Tempter. But I would tone the amount of usage down to 1 for Cajole. Covering can stay at 3.

The amount of havoc in FoL you can do though.

Something that screws with the game class types is definitely fresh.

The player is already Unseen. The frame would have no effect.

Yes, however the convert is a nerf to the already-weak Princess (considering it’s an investigative).
That’s the only problem I have with this.

Maybe I should play more games :slight_smile:

It’s not weak, it’s actually decently balanced but you have observer running around.

well,i am new.and thought frame can turn unseen/cult ns. i will just make it ‘Investgative ability will show ns then’

Ah, I see. Generally frame means to make the target appear as Unseen/Cult.

Has no one noticed anything odd about this class… like look very carefully… and look at handmaiden
Anyways, this looked like a worse maid at first, until I realized that you’re not restricted to your last picked target like maid is so… this would be decent. NK will definitely get screwed over by this class… Cult will definitely not unless CL is claiming phys or chrono or something and Unseen… would get royally screwed except for MM lel.