uh… and how did they die?
the first one? margaret off’d herself in frustration i believe after i stopped her from doing her thing (which isnt much on my part magnus gave me an ability to effectively disable everything someone else had worked for), and stopping her from killing in the resulting rage
the second one, margaret killed isaac for some reason, and i think maybe one other person died and i forget why
in particular in the first one there was a saw-style shotgun-in-the-door-trap that in hindsight i probably gave magnus the idea for
but oh well i still kept people from dying
I’ll progress now?
Simon protected his stuff.
@James once you get out of line of sight of the door, and preferably a little bit away from it, ill open it and step out of the way
You think there’s a machine gun?
/Moves to the West, meanwhile looking through the window.
please specify that you are out of line of sight of the door.
he is.
yeah i just wanted him to specify that.
now that you’ve said he is im cool with that.
/open the door and then immediately step out of sight of the door, and a couple paces away if possible
James went to the West Window, looking out to see clouds outside. Simon pushed open the door and stepped away, breaking the wire, which stretched across the room to a small hole, plugged. The plug fell out and a bomb rolled out. Powerful enough to kill you all.
The bomb will detonate 5 turns after its armed.
The bomb is not armed.
by killing us all, would that tear down the building as well?
james i have a plan here lets not touch the bomb for now but i need to know more
It’s not armed.
Maybe we need to use the bomb to get out? Of course, we’d need a way to survive the blast.
I agree. Don’t touch the bomb.