The Death Game |

Fireslol ran SouthEast. GamerPoke layed on the floor. James set up the chair and sat on it.
Locations -
James - NorthEast
Fireslol - SouthEast
GamerPoke - SouthWest
Items -
Chair - NorthEast
Hammer - East
Status -
GamerPoke is in Pain and on the floor.
James is seated.
Fireslol is unharmed.

A bottle of water was tossed to SouthWest.

/throw chair at Fireslol.

/Pick up water bottle while laying on the ground

Trade? You can have a chair.

Water is gud for me tho

You go get the hammer

/try to catch chair.

GamerPoke grabbed the bottle. James threw a chair at Fireslol. Fireslol tried to catch it. Fireslol failed. Fireslol is in pain.
Locations -
James - NorthEast
Fireslol - SouthEast
GamerPoke - SouthWest
Items -
Chair - SouthEast
Hammer - East
Bottle - GamerPoke
Status -
GamerPoke is in Pain.
James is unharmed.
Fireslol is in Pain.

/try to set up the chair upright.

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/Pour some (25%) water on my face

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I gotta sit.

/go To the centre.

GamerPoke poured water on his face. GamerPoke was reinvigorated. Fireslol set up the chair. James went to the centre of the Ring.
Locations -
James - Centre
Fireslol - SouthEast
GamerPoke - SouthWest
Items -
Chair - SouthEast
Hammer - East
Bottle - GamerPoke
Status -
GamerPoke is in Pain and Reinvigorated.
James is unharmed.
Fireslol is in Pain.

/sat on the chair and rested.

You guys can just kill each other, I just wanna rest on my chair.

/walk East. It’s Hammer Time!

/Walk East and throw bottle at James

Fireslol sat on his throne chair. James went East. GamerPoke started to walk East. Poke threw his bottle at James. It bounced off and rolled North.
Locations -
James - East
Fireslol - SouthEast
GamerPoke - Centre
Items -
Chair - SouthEast
Hammer - East
Bottle(75%) - North
Status -
GamerPoke is in Pain and Reinvigorated.
James is unharmed.
Fireslol is in Pain.

/Grab Hammer feel the power of Thor!

/Go north and pick up bottle

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