The Emoji Movie

i just feel like magnus would go for the double meaning of the knife

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Simon has ONE strike.
James has ONE strike.
Htm has ONE strike.

Am I in the right direction with my guess?

He won’t tell you that.
Also, Magnus would love technicalities, right?
So you would have to be exact. So even if “Murderer” is incorrect, “Serial Killer” could work.

some sick yellow serial killer is going to kill a yellow person with a dagger, who is screaming and turning blue


  • Incorrect.

Serial Killer doctor.

answer: there are an uncountable-infinity number of storys that fit this set of emojis, which it is not feasible to correctly rule out all but one, due to there not being enough specificity in only three emojis

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Professor Pyg obviously

Could you pls give hint?

Tbh it is true in a way.

Different people can see the 3 emojis in different ways.


  • Too Vague

I’m not taking that.


It’s something from history. Real life.

its mathematically true tho im afraid you have to take it :smiling_imp:

im afraid i dont make the rules here, magnus

Less true now :ok_hand:

Simon - One strike.
James - Two strikes.
Htm - Two strikes.
Lightsin - One strike.

It’s a doctor who killed his patients.

Look here guys.

Strike -

  • Directly assisting others.
  • There’s 28 people on that page.

James has three strikes and is out.