The Enchantress (Neutral, Investigative)

The Enchantress, Neutral, Investigative :mag_right: :shield:

Passive 1: Enchant: You are immune to death once at night, you’re whispers are also unseen if you whisper an evil

Day Ability 1: Nightshade Hex: hex someone with nightshade, 1 use (idea by NuclearBurrito)

Day Ability 2: Bleeding Curse: curse a player with bleeding, 1 use (idea by NuclearBurrito)

Night Ability 1: Detection Spell: discover a player’s class type, unlimited uses

Night Ability 2: Reveal Spell: discover a player’s class, unlimited uses, 2 day recharge time

Goal: Survive to see the BD fall

Feedback/suggestions are appreciated


Either Reveal should have 0 starting uses or Invention should have unlimited.

TBH just make reveal unlimited with a cooldown and get a more interesting day ability.


Okay thanks for the feedback!


For more interesting day ability’s I would suggest a 1 time poison and a 1 time bleed. Both work exactly like the assassin’s and CL’s.


Beep Boop

Just wondering; why can’t it spawn in Sorc games?

Day Ability 1*, not 2. Invention spell seems fine.
Detection and Reveal spell are both fine, but maybe there should be a way the Enchantress’s whispers are hidden so it can communicate with evils if it wants to side with them.

Personally, I’d go with survive to see the BD fall. If it’s magic users, you’re basically trying to see the BD win, but you could still lose if you side with them because they’d have a psychic/court wizard.

Yeah, do this.


Well I just don’t want it to be OP cause 2 classes working with the unseen/cult is so OP


Yea I kind of was thinking about giving it second day ability so that’s why it was there xd

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the first class that is a neutral investigative that is balanced :clap:


Make it unique and it’s a great class

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Hope you don’t mind going on a liking spree for a badge

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Wait how can I get the badge if I can’t even like 50 times a day D:

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It already is xd

No you need a :shield: icon for it to be unique on the class card silly

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Edit: why do we still use this :shield: instead of the new one which is this :star: xd

Not what I ment. First of all the interface would be really screwy. The way I worded it would have 2 day abililty’s for a total of 2 status kills. This with 2 uses would be basically the same thing but I don’t know how you would go about implementing it.

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Okay, thanks for telling me!



Feedback is needed!

Nu I bump