It has been 24 hours and there have been no new members. Thus a random number from the list of Members shall be chosen
@discobot roll 1d2
@orangeandblack5 you can choose another rule to add to the list.
It is encouraged that your rule make it easier for new members to join
But why would I do that
New rule
Users with the letter “i” in their name are strictly prohibited from being members. Any existing members with the letter “i” in their name will be removed.
Also Discobot is good boye
however in my official moderation (of this thread) im still allowed to post, and i would like to refer you to the change that was made to the original ruleset
your punishment is as follows:
removal as a member.
As there are no members, the experiment shall now reset
Zero Members Detected
Experiment Resetting…
Excess Rules Clear…
Updating Archive…
Clearing Member List…
Setting default Members…
Altering Experiment…
Reviewing Reset Process…
Welcome to the Exclusivity Experiment, Members
Am I a member now? IIRC you said resets count from the reset post.
that is correct.
what rule would you like to add?
In order to become a member, one must additionally compose a sonnet about an FM of some form (FoLs/SFoLs/Miscs/etc. qualify) and post it in the cookie thread
are there any qualifications as to what comprises a sonnet (as in, if there are different types, do you have a preference?)
Anything reasonably termed a sonnet is fine (for example, Shakespearean and Petrarchan sonnets both qualify). Other than that, standard English definitions apply – for instance, one cannot submit a haiku.
it has been 24 hrs since a member has joined.
therefore a random member will be chosen to submit a new rule, and they are both encouraged to make a rule that will make accepting new members easier, and reminded that whatever rule they make they might be punished
@discobot roll 1d2
1 is me 2 is arete
if prospective members make a pun or other joke that is funny to me and has not already been submitted yet, they post it to the cookie thread, and then quote it here, they can by pass both previous rules regarding specifications to enter (rules 1 and 2)
wow, thank you simon. that was a good rule for getting more members.
thanks, simon
now, as punishmen–
punishment? but i thought you said it was a good rule?!
Im sorry, simon, rules are rules
grumbles ookayyy…
now, your punishment…
ping discobot and ask for a quote
what, thats it?
are you complaining?
O.O N-no-n-no sir. not complaining. just confused
ah. well, i said you were being given a punishment, i never said what that punishment was or what it had to be
well arent you tricksy??
yes yes, we know… now get on with your punishment, or be banished as a member for the rest of the experiment!!
jeez kinda harsh on the consequences but alright
@discobot quote
((my real punishment was rp-ing this script with two aspects of myself))
Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding. — Albert Einstein