The First Game of 2018 (WePick)

1/3 chance of you hitting maf N0 and 1/4 chance u being framed. 11/12 times either me or you are evil.

He is NEVER sane. He checked me mafia on a night with no frames. Heā€™s either mafia or insane/paranoid.

Oh wait if marl is town it is 100% that me or nuclear is maf.

The frame wasnā€™t random though

That or you are mafia. It seems we are all on the same page

We canā€™t really look at frame/tailor with stats. The heat was on myself noz burrito and hippo all of yesterday. No one even through a featherā€™s shade at wolfy / dino (obviously) / Simon. There is almost always a frame among us 3.


We need more peoples checks

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Thatā€™s a possiblity from your perspective. But in the world where Iā€™m mafia, why would i fake check noz as town n1?

N0**** fuck



To make this exact play later obviously.

Though that would mean you would frame Hippo so I donā€™t think that it actually happened

Anyways. Right now Iā€™m for voting Hippo as he is by far the most likely scum from my PoV

We have to hang Myself / Nuclear / Hippo today. There is always A mafia among us. We just need everyone elseā€™s checks to figure out whom that will be.


(not actually voting until everyone else has claimed thier checks.)

If we can determine that marl is mafia btw then that means that marl and Hippo are different alignments btw.

Meaning that if he is frammed town then Hippo ISNā€™T frammed and thus maf cuz of Marls N1 check

Exactly. Which is why there is always EXACTLY ONE Mafia between you myself and hippo. Dino is town because Simon and Wolfy canā€™t both be mafia.

I am almost certain it is Burrito based off probabilities and how acted all of yesterday but we need to wait for everyoneā€™s results as that will probably clear things up.

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Actually thats true. Between Wolfie, Simon and Dino there is atleast 2 town and 1 sane/parity Cop.

Wait. Wolfie could be naive and Simon parity

Weā€™ll see from the results of todayā€™s check. But I think Dino might be the naive cop.

Iā€™m just a tad more sus of Simon than I am of wolfy. Just some of his dialogue earlier seemed scummy to me.

Although my reads will heavily change tonight depending on Simonā€™s and Dinoā€™s checks.