The First Game of 2018 (WePick)

Ok so:

If Hippo is found to seem mafia (again) then he is or I am and he is frammed. If I am found to be mafia (again) then it’s me or marl (again me and Hippo can’t both be framed). If marl is found mafia. Then it’s him or Hippo cuz only 1 frame

My results were that wolfy is town. Can you explain what each sanity does again?

Sanity determines how you get your results.

Insane cop for example gets town if the target is mafia and mafia if the target is town.

Nevermind, I found the post that explains them all. Does everyone have an idea of which one they might be?

I’m either parity or sane. Which means Hippo is either mafia or was framed.


And since I am either insane or paranoid and Noz is the other AND hippo is claiming insane so he must be mafia

Noz… actually can’t be sane. Not if the town checking folks (wolfy dino simon) are telling the truth (which one of them at least was lying d1. obvs)

There are only 2 roles that would get you as mafia n0 if you were mafia. Sane and Paranoid. I don’t think we can realistically believe that Noz is the sane cop. Meaning if you are mafia Noz got you through sheer luck as the paranoid cop.

Which leads me to believe that Hippo is mafia


I want Simon’s check. After I wake up, I’ll be voting for hippo unless some 10/10 info comes to light through Simon’s check.

Don’t kill anybody until then please <3 Feel free to vote but KEEP TRACK OF WHO HAS HOW MANY VOTES.

If you scum tag on a 4th vote to someone you are gonna look REALLY sus the next day.

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Marluxion your logic is so painfully bad. I’m at work again but this time NO ONE FUCKING HAMMER untill I can get home to properly have a think about it.

Anyone who votes before we have a real discussion should be treated as scum.

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Ok so here is what I got:

Noz - Paranoid/Insane
Burrito - Paranoid/Insane
Hippo - Insane
Marl - Sane/Parity
Dino - Neive/Sane/Parity
Simon - Neive/Sane/Parity
Wolfie - Neive/Sane/Parity

This would be assuming everyone was telling the truth (which isn’t the case)

Just don’t end the day in the next 5 hours. Nuclears stuff above looks correct.

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Conflicts rn

Marl Burrito and Hippo. Exactly 1 mafia

Wolfie Simon Dino and Marl. Exactly 1 mafia

2 mafia total

Oh shit Marl can’t be mafia!

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Wolfie, Marl, Simon and Dino are claiming Town checks N0 when we would expect only 3 if no one hit maf. Other than marl who hit Noz the other 3 hit each other.

The conflict between me Marl and Hippo also doesn’t make sense with 2 maf so each group has only 1 Mafia.

If Marl was mafia then 1 group would have at least 2 mafia so therefore Marl can’t be mafia

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If marl isn’t maf then we have this in the bag. If we exe me and Hippo then we will get a maf

Since I am most likely Paranoid it is ok if I die in the process but I would obviously prefer not to.

Also if hippo is framer then Marl can know for sure if he is parity or not. If his result after that is maf then he is parity. Otherwise he is sane.

@orangeandblack5 If we arrest a mafia do we know which one?

Oh and we know that Noz isn’t sane because that would mean there is 0 maf in our group dispite him getting a N0 mad check on me. That’s contradictory and thus false.

Some other things.

If Wolfie is parity or sane then Dino is Neive. If Dino is Sane or Parity then Simon is Neive and Wolfie was tailored maf. If Simon is sane then Dino is Neive. If Simon is Parity then I would need his N1 check to say.

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